Referensi Judul Skripsi S1 Tadris Bahasa Inggris Universitas Islam Negeri
Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Tahun 2021
- An analysis of English teacher strategies in teaching vocabulary during covid-19 in SMPN 1 Babat in academic year 2020/2021
- An analysis of infographic through reporting technique to improve students’ speaking skill at English Club MAN Bondowoso
- Classroom interaction toward the implementation of PQ4R and PQRST method in online English classroom
- EFL lecturer's perception and strategy for integrating Ulul Albab model of education into listening course through Mulan (2020) Movie
- English Education Department students’ perception toward Netflix as digital EFL learning aid on listening and speaking skills
- English teacher creativity in designing online learning activities during Covid-19 at The Ninth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Srengat
- Strategies used by the lecturer in teaching speaking online during the pandemic at English Education Department of UIN Malang year 2021
- Students' perception toward the use of Vmeet UIN Malang as an effective learning tool in EFL classroom
- Students’ and teachers’ voices towards the use of digital storytelling in teaching listening for the Ninth Grade of MTsN 4 Jembrana
- Students’ perception and motivation toward e-learning as media in the online English class during the Covid-19 pandemic: A study at the Eleventh Grade of MAN 1 Tapin in Academic Year of 2020/2021
- Teacher strategies in online learning to foster students reading motivation at MAN 2 Batam
- Teachers' strategies in teaching reading comprehension at SMP IT Al-Ghofar during Covid-19
- Teaching descriptive writing skill by using flashcards media at the Seventh Grade Students of MTs Darul Ulum Sumenep
- The authentic assessment for assessing the students' productive skills during online learning in MTs At Taqwa Bondowoso
- The correlation between playing mobile online games and students' writing skill of Junior High School Eight Graders in MTsN 3 Malang
- The effect of using Phonetic Alphabet for Bahasa Indonesia (PABI) on the English pronunciation for EFL university students
- The effectiveness of English pop song to improve students’ listening comprehension at the Eighth Grader of Islamic Junior High School of Fathul Hidayah Lamongan
- The effectiveness of experiential learning toward learners' vocabulary mastery
- The effectiveness of Instagram in improving the second grader’s writing recount text at MTsN 5 Kediri
- The effectiveness of talking stick learning strategy in speaking skills of recount text: A pre-experimental research at Second Grade Students of MTs Tanwirut Tholibin Lamongan
- The effectiveness of teaching speaking skills by using online Podcast video at Islamic Junior High School 3 Malang
- The implementation of IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) based phonetic transcription in teaching pronunciation for EFL students' at Aphrodite English Club
- Utilizing WhatsApp chat group in EFL Class during pandemic