Tahun 2021
- A narrative inquiry of teacher's experience of teaching` english to young learners during COVID-19 pandemic
- An analysis of the students’ difficulties in writing argumentative essay at English education department UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- An investigation to EFL students attitude using Zoom as English digital classroom media : A case study of EFL speaking class students at English Salman Course ITB Bandung
- Analysis contextual Hangman game for teaching vocabulary to young learners
- Analysis of language learning strategy on writing skill through Whatsapp-mediated writing class : A case study at twelfth grade students’ of SMAN 1 Batipuh Tanah Datar West Sumatra
- Analysis of students vocabulary in writing a recount text : A case study at the 8th grade students of SMPN 1 Pangalengan Bandung
- Cultural content in ELT textbook of Indonesian secondary school : An intercultural perspective analysis
- EFL students challenges in comprehending authentic listening materials : A case study at the second semester students of English Education Department, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- EFL students’ challenges of the use of English-captioned short movie in the teaching and learning of English listening
- EFL students’ responses toward the speaking class With Community Language Learning (Cll) method
- Engaging EFL students in learning simple past tense through implicit grammar teaching: A narrative inquiry study in Senior High School
- Engaging Indonesian EFL students in writing activities through PWIM to enhance students' cohesion and coherence in narrative text: A case study at tenth grade students of SMAN Jatinangor
- Enhancing students’ speaking competency with Think-Pair-Share activity
- Exploring the teacher's corrective feedback on students' pronunciation errors in virtual classroom : A case study to the second-grade students of SMP Al-Hasan Bandung
- Exploring the use of dialogue journal writing to improve students’ writing ability : A case study to EFL students at Islamic Senior High School Al-Ashdariyah, Pakenjeng Garut
- Eyl students' perception and motivation on learning english using e-learning at an elementary school in Bandung
- Improving students’ speaking skill by using audio recorder for self-assessment correction : At MAN 1 Bekasi West Java, Indonesia
- Indonesian EFL students' perceptions on speaking anxiety in online speaking learning activities : Covid-19 pandemic context
- Instructional strategies applied by Generation X and Millennial EFL teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic: A case study in one of the Junior High Schools in Indonesia
- Investigating students’ difficulties in writing a recount texts and their understanding of its generic structure and its related tenses
- Investigating teacher’s strategy in activating students’ prior knowledge in online listening lessons : A case study to the third semester of English education departement of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Investigating the types and levels of EFL students' writing anxiety in online Creative Writing class during the COVID-19 pandemic: A survey to the fourth semester students of English Education Department at a State Islamic University
- Item analysis of teacher-made English Summative multiple-choice question test in second-grade Junior High School Pangalengan academic year 2020-2021
- Learning speaking English in online classroom via Instagram during Covid-19 Pandemic : English Education Department of UIN SGD Bandung student's experience, perception, and performance
- Reading narrative text using Augmented Reality books : Teacher's implementation, students' reading comprehension and their responses
- Reducing EFL Students' Speaking Anxiety through Prepared Talks Activity: A case study at the 10th grade of MA YPL Pulosari, Limbangan, Garut
- Self-Questioning strategy for reading to promote students’ critical thinking skill in an emergency remote teaching : A case study at the third semester of English Education Department af a State Islamic University in West Java
- Short movie project as a Project-Based Learning Activity to Foster Indonesian EFL learners' Problem-Solving Ability: A narrative inquiry
- Student’s speaking anxiety through online Role-Play Aactivity in speaking class : A case study at university level
- Students and teacher's perceptions on using movie - Still - photos for learning descriptive text on Whatsapp Messenger : A case study at a junior high school in Karawang in the academic year of 2020/2021
- Students' English vocabulary mastery related to their listening comprehension as represented at TOEFA score : A correlational study at English Education Department of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Students' interest in the teaching of speaking English using Podcast applications
- Students' responses to brainstorming by short videos of tourist attractions in writing descriptive text: A case study at the Eighth Grade of Junior High School
- Students responses toward the implementation of online small group discussion method to enhance reading comprehension
- Students’ difficulties in doing English listening test: A Case Study at the first-semester university students of State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
- Students’ perception in small group discussion to overcome their speaking anxiety : A case study in UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Students’ perception on the teaching and learning process of English idiomatic expression : A case study on the English Education Department students of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Students’ responses in learning vocabulary through digital Slice of Life story webtoon at SMPN 02 Gununghalu West Bandung West Java
- Students’ responses toward the implementation of English pronunciation teaching through E-learning : A descriptive study at twelfth grade students of MAN 1 SUMEDANG
- Students’ satisfaction on the use of schoology in critical reading class in pandemic context
- Student-teacher interaction in the technology-based English lessons of bilingual and regular programs in Junior High School: A Case study
- Teacher’s oral corrective feedback on student’s writing procedural text : A case study at SMP Plus Bandung Timur, Cileunyi, Bandung
- Teacher's strategies on assessing students' speaking skills in online classroom at Islamic high school
- Teachers’ and students’ perception of using game-based Vocabulary test
- Teachers’ classroom management style in offline Efl classroom : A case study in a vocational school in Bogor
- Teachers’ perceptions on E-Portfolio as authentic assessment to assess Indonesian EFL students’ reading skill post-Covid 19 pandemic contexts: A case study at 3 Indonesian Junior High Schools in West Java Province
- Teacher-selected strategies for teaching reading comprehension of procedure text to EFL students in a remote area : A case study on the nine-grade students of a junior high school in Bandung Barat regency
- Teaching English pronunciation to junior high school students by using Poro English application : A case study at the 7th grade students of SMPN 3 Pancatengah, Tasikmalaya
- Teaching listening through dialogues at the twelfth grade of Al-Furqon Senior High School: Teacher’s experience and challenge
- Teaching writing through online learning : an investigation of challenges faced by EFL teachers
- The analysis of HOTS in English test items used in junior high schools during the COVID-19 pandemic : An Indonesian context
- The analysis of students’ listening anxiety in E-learning : A qualitative descriptive study of English Education Department at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The assesment of sport student’ needs of English for spesific purpose : A case study at Persatuan Badminton Jaya Raya school in Jakarta
- The correlation between EFL students' personality types and their writing performance
- The correlation between students' interpreting ability and students' speaking ability
- The Correlation between students' speaking anxiety and self-perceived English pronunciation competence in online presentation
- The effectiveness of clustering technique to teach vocabulary at The Islamic Junior High School in Bandung
- The effectiveness of using read aloud and think aloud techniques on reading comprehension skill : An experimental and comparative study at the second grade of MTs Tanjungsiang in academic year 2020/2021
- The effects of word cloud on Indonesian senior high school students' vocabulary learning : A pre-experimental study
- The implementation of audio storytelling activities in teaching speaking for visual impaired students : A narrative inquiry study in SLBN Handayani Sukabumi
- The implementation of digital storytelling for listenjng activities in online class : A case study at the eleventh grade of MA Al Imaroh, West Cikarang, Bekasi
- The implementation of teacher’s pre-recorded instructional video to enhance students’ learning vocabulary : A case study on the seventh grade students of an Islamic junior high school in Bandung Regency
- The implementation of the teaching of reading using multimodal texts in online EFL classroom
- The implementation of Think-Pair-Share (TPS) in EFL writing classroom on Whatsapp messenger : A case study at Islamic senior high school in Bandung Barat Regency
- The relation of students’ self-concept and their English learning achievement : a correlation study at 10th grade OTKP students of SMK Negeri 1 Brebes
- The relationship between EFL students’ vocabulary mastery and their English listening skills : A correlational study at MA Tanwiriyyah, Karang Tengah Cianjur
- The Students’ intensity in interacting with the English language used in JavaScript™ and their computer vocabulary mastery : A correlational study at second grade of SMKN 4 Bandung
- The use of digital storytelling narrative text to enhance students speaking activities and ability at senior high school : A case study at the 10th grade of Al-Ittihad Vocational High School Cianjur
- The Use of E-Learning for teaching speaking in EFL class during Covid-19 Pandemic: A case study on teacher’s teaching strategies
- The use of English radio news in the teaching listening and the students' responses towards it : A case study in SMK Nasional Bandung
- The use of E-worksheets to facilitate young learners’ English vocabulary mastery : A case study to the seventh grade of Junior High School Students
- The use of Mixed-ability Grouping in online classroom to improve students’ reading comprehension in narrative text
- The use of translanguaging strategy in the classroom : Teachers' perception
- Using “English Singsing” YouTube video to enhance students’ English vocabulary mastery : A pre-experimental study at 7th grade of junior high school in Indonesia
- Young learners' English listening comprehension difficulties : categorizations, causes, and solutions
Tahun 2020
- A Portrait of Indonesian EFL teacher talk and student talk in English classroom in Thailand: An International teaching Practicum Context
- An analysis of language metafunctions elements in images in junior high school English textbook: An Indonesian context
- An analysis of text structure and thematic progression in EFL students’ skripsi abstracts: A descriptive study in English Education Department of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Bilingual program for young learners : young learners’ difficulties in understanding teachers’ instructions a case study at SD IT Fitrah Insani 2
- Challenges of teaching English to Visually Impaired Students (VIS) in Indonesian school for special needs based teacher's experience: A narrative inquiry study in SLBN A Pajajaran
- Coherence in English descriptive writing: Indonesian EFL learner's perception
- Designing an ESP-Based program for Airport Customs staff of Husein Sastranegara International Airport (HSIA)
- Enganging student in reading political articles to foster their critical thinking skills
- English diary to promote vocabulary acquisition: a case study at 6th grade in Tarbiyatul Muallimin Islamiyah Darussalam Islamic Boarding School
- Evaluating the online teaching of argumentative paragraph on schoology
- Exploring students’ reading fluency through Whole-Class Choral Reading (WCCR) strategy in online learning class : A case study in the 8 grade Junior High School 2 students of South Cikarang
- Improving the eighth-grade student's reading comprehension of narrative text through online Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy : A quasi experimental study in an Islamic junior high school Bandung
- Investigating how EFL students gamer learn new vocabulary
- Investigating students' interest in gaining knowledge of English grammar: A case study of English education department students in UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Meaningful learning principle in EYL online classroom: Students' responses
- Online collaborative writing using schoology to improve EFL learners' writing of argumentative paragraph
- Pair and Group Performances in language learning: Speaking accuracy
- Perception toward online reading class : A descriptive study at EFL undergraduate students of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Students' exposure to social media and their critical reading skill: A correlational study to EFL students in State Islamic University Bandung Indonesia
- Students’ response on using e-book in promoting literacy movement : A case study of reading narrative text at the Xth Grade Students of MA YPI CIKUJANG
- Students’ response toward the use of self-regulated learning in online eeading class
- Students’ responses toward the implementation of Read, Reread, List, Compose (RRLC) strategy in enhancing paraphrasing skill : A case study in higher education level in Indonesia
- Teacher’s and students’ perception about the contribution of drama as a final project of an English classroom to enhance the students’ vocabulary acquisition: A case study at SMAN 1 Cileunyi Bandung Year 2020
- Teaching English pronunciation to junior high school students with speech shadowing technique in online classroom: Case study to the Grade Students of SMPN 56 Bandung in Academic year 2019/2020
- The analysis of efl students’ writing of argumentative text using SLF thematic progression theory: A case study to the second semester of EED in UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The correlation between EFL students listening effort and their fatigue : A case study at SMP 8 Bandung
- The correlation between student’s vocabulary mastery with vocabulary level test and their writing descriptive text: A correlational study at grade VIII of SMP Al-Hasan Bandung
- The correlation between students’ self-esteem and their speaking skill at Indonesian seventh-grade students of Islamic Junior High School
- The implementation of inductive strategy to foster EFL students’ comprehension on past tense: A case study at an Indonesian senior high school
- The implementation of Partner Reading Strategy (PRS) in e-Learning: A case study in class 10 IPA-1 at SMAN 1 Jampangkulon Academic Year 2020
- The implementation of project-based learning in efl virtual classroom to develop students’ critical thinking skills: A case study at MAS Yapika Kurnia, Garut
- The implementation web based ClassDojo to improve students’ English language pronunciation: A pre-experimental study at the 11th grade of senior high school of Darul Falah
- The investigation on the process of scientific approach in teaching reading comprehension
- The key factors affecting students' interest in an English online learning : Case study in junior high school
- The relationship between extroversion level of students and their speaking score
- The use of digital storytelling in teaching writing recount text: A case study on the eighth grade students of SMP Daarut Tauhiid Boarding School
- The use of English Webtoon Comic in students' vocabulary expression: A pre-Experimental study at the first grade of SMP Plus Baiturrahman Bandung
- The use of metacognitive strategy in Online Learning to improve junior high school students' reading comprehension: A case study in SMPN 1 Sukalarang
- The use of quipper applicatin as media for teaching English to improve students’ reading ability
- University EFL students' experience in comprehending authentic texts in online classroom in English education department: Challenges and strategies
- Using peer assessment within the framework of dialogic feedback to improve EFL students’ writing performance: A case study at 2nd-semester of English Education Department in UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Year 2020)
- Using pictionary game to develop students’ noun vocabulary mastery: A quasi-experimental study at the Sixth Grade SD Plus Baiturrahman
- Werewolf: A game-based learning through twitter to foster students' critical thinking skills
Tahun 2019
- A study on students' speaking performance based on their speaking performance: A descriptive study at first semester students of English education department
- Activating students’ background schemata to promote their reading interest and comprehension skill: A case study at 8th Grade of MTS Ar-Raudloh
- An analysis of EFL learners' ability in using noun phrase complexity on their descriptive text: A descriptive study at the eighth-grade students of SMP PGRI 10 Kota Bandung
- An analysis of english reading materials and their relevance to the students’ needs: A case study at the seventh semester students of Mathematics Education Department at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- An analysis of LOTS and HOTS questions in English teacher-made final test items: A case study of the eighth grade in SMPN 17 and SMPN 50 Bandung
- An analysis of students' skill in writing Descriptive and Announcement texts: A case study to 10th grade students of Bakti Nusantara 666 Vocational School Majoring in Accounting
- Attributes of meaningful learning in When English Rings a Bell student book of the scientific approach: A descriptive analysis at the 7th Grade Junior High School Student Book Used at MTs Ar-Raudloh, Cileunyi, Bandung
- Developing students’ speaking on EFL classroom through multimodal listening: A case study at XI grade in MAN 1 Bandung
- Engaging EFL students in thinking critically through the use of English vlogs
- Engaging Indonesian EFL students in listening report texts through media audiobooks: Implementation process and skill improvement
- English language learning needs of Chemistry Education Students of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- English webtoon to enhance students’ grammar mastery: A pre-experimental study at MA Wasilatul Huda Cicalengka
- Exploring efl students vocabulary problems in speaking class: A case study in first semester of English Education Department Student in State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Exploring English education speaking anxiety: A case study in State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Exploring Indonesian EFL students in using digital storytelling in speaking activity: voices from silent students in Islamic University : A case study in the 7th semester students of English Education Department at State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Fostering Indonesian EFL students’ ability to identify fake news through teaching of Critical Thinking in critical reading class: A case study at the third-semester students of English Education Department UIN Sunan Gunung Djati-Bandung
- Fostering students' ability in comprehending moral values as a critical thinking skill
- Gaining new perspective project fostering students critical reading skill through English Reading Club Project : A case study at 11th grade IPA MA Al-Masthuriyah Islamic boarding school
- Implementing learning local culture values from reading literary works project to promote Indonesian EFL students' reading skills and culture values understading
- Improving EFL young learners' Vocabulary with dialogic reading
- Improving student's grammar mastery in using article by exposing animation video: Quasi-experimental study at 7th grade in SMP Al-Islam Cilengkrang
- Improving students' pronunciation through minimal pair technique
- Indonesian Efl pre-service teacher’s anxiety during International Internship program : A case study of English Education Department at State Islamic Univerisity in West Java
- Indonesian pre-service teacher's use of instructional strategies to cope with culture and language as a challenges during teaching English to Thailand students:A Case Study at Phadungsilwittaya school at Southern Thailand
- Integrating British Parliamentary Debating System to build student's Self-Confidence in EFL Speaking Class
- Interlanguage communication strategies in teaching English to Thai students in International Internship Program
- Oral corrective feedback and uptake of EFL Students in speaking interaction
- Playing drama to reduce speaking anxiety in EFL Class: A case study at 4th semester in State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Project based learning in extensive reading program EFL students' emgage,emt of reading short stories in senior high school : A case Study at the Second Grade Students of SMA Al-Biruni Cerdas Mulia Bandung
- Promoting text twist game to enhance students’ vocabulary mastery: A qualitative case study at the 8th grade of SMPIT As-Syifa Al-Khoeriyah Boarding School Wanareja
- Promoting vocabulary acquisition by using digital storytelling
- Reciprocal Teaching Method (RTM) to improve students' reading comprehension in getting main idea: A pre-experimental study at the 8th Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Sukamantri Ciamis
- Self-questioning strategy to improve students' reading ability: A pre-experimental study at tenth grade students in SMAN 9 Garut
- Students' attitudes toward teachers' language preferences in EFL classroom : A Case study at the fourth semester English Education Department students of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Students Behavioral Engagement in Learning Speaking through Giving Reward: A Case Study at the 4th Grade Students of SD Islam Al-Amanah
- Students' experience in playing drama: A focus on speaking skills : A case study at The Twelfth Grade Students of MA Asshiddiqiyah 3 Cilamaya Wetan-Karawang
- Student's perception towards the effectiveness of extensive listening as an embedded program an EFL Class: A case study at the 1st semester of students of Biology Education Department UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung academic year 2019
- Students' perceptions on Ular-Naga traditional game for teaching speaking: Case study at 7th grade in MTS Ar Raudloh Cileunyi Bandung
- Students’ perceptions on the use of short movie for teaching adjectives in listening
- Students’ Self-Correction on Their Grammar Accuracy on Speaking in Daily Conversation
- Teaching English pronunciation to junior high school through animation videos: A case study of the seventh grade at MTS Ma'arif in the Academic Year 2018/2019
- Teaching reading by using storyboard to improve students' reading comprehension of narrative text
- Teaching simple present tense to ninth grade by using substitution drills: A quasi experimental study at the ninth grade of MTsN 2 Lebak
- The analysis of EFL students' summarizing skill by using semantic mapping in Interpretative Reading class: A case study at the 2nd students of English Education Department
- The analysis of English curriculum for Dyslexic students at inclusive school: A case study of grade eight at SMP Mutiara Bunda
- The analysis of English translation errors found in students’ translation project: A case study in the 4th Semester Students of English Education Department at The State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The analysis of students' critical thinking skill in writing report text: A case study at 11 th grade students of senior high school (SMA) Modern Riyadhul Jannah Islamic Boarding School
- The analysis of students’ translations work through social media and its effect to their translation subject: A case study of the 4th Semester students of English Education Department Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Academic Year 2019
- The analysis of verbal interaction between teacher and students in the EFL classroom by using Flanders' Interaction Analysis Categories System (FIACS)
- The cause factors of Foreign Language Reading Anxiety relating to English text
- The comparison of narrative short story understanding between second grade students of non-formal and formal education: A comparative study of students in English course and students in MTs.Ar-rosyidiyah Bandung
- The Correlation between Self- Esteem and EFL Speaking Ability: A Correlational Study in the 12th Grade Student at SMK 21 Al- Misbah
- The Correlation Between Student's Habit in Watching English Video and their Listening TOEFL Score: A Correlational Study at the 7th Semester Students of English Education Department State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The correlation between students' habit in watching English YouTube videos and their listening skill: A correlation study at the fourth-semester students of English Education Department State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung academic year 2018-2019
- The correlation between students' reading comprehension and their paraphrasing writing ability: A Correlational study at 6th semester of English education department at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Their Writing Achievement in Descriptive Text : A Study for the Seventh Grade Students of Smpn 03 Ciparay in Academic Year 2019/2020
- The correlation between vocabulary size and students reading comprehension
- The effect of teacher's indirect written corrective feedback to students' grammatical accuracy in writing: A Quasi-experimental study of eleventh grade of Senior High School Students in MAN 2 Cianjur
- The effect of using a small group discussion in descriptive text on students' reading comprehension: A quasi experimental study at 10th Grade Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Cibiru Kota Bandung
- The effectiveness of creative drama to improve students vocabulary mastery: Quasi-experimental at the seventh gade students in Mts Miftahul Falah Bandung the Academic Year 2019/2020
- The effectiveness of instructional video to improve students' ability in writing procedural text: A-quasi experimental study at the third grade of Mts. Ma'arif Cikeruh
- The effectiveness of teaching reading by using Sustained Silent Reading(SSR) strategy in developing students’ reading comprehension : An experimental study of 8th grade of Islamic Junior High School Husnul Khotimah Tasikmalaya in Academic year 2019/2020
- The effectiveness of team teaching to improve students' vocabulary mastery in recount text
- The effectiveness of Treasure Hunt Game in improving students' vocabulary mastery : Pre-Experimental Study at Ninth-grade Students of SMPN 1 Cileunyi-Bandung
- The effectiveness of using brainstorming strategy to improve reading skill
- The implementation of digital comic for teaching vocabulary
- The implementation of Sq4r (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Reflect And Review) method for teaching reading news item to Islamic senior high school students
- The implementation of teacher written feedback on student's descriptive text writing: A Descriptive study in the 10th grade student's of science at SMA Khz Musthafa Sukamanah
- The influence of pre-reading activities on reading comprehension skill in high school level:A pre-experimental study at the tenth grade students of SMAN 21 Garut
- The influence of Visual Literacy to stimulate students' ability in reading comprehension : A-Quasi Experimental Study at the Second Grade Students of MTs. Miftahul Falah Bandung in Academic Year 2019/2020
- The infuence of Direct Vocabulary Instruction on students vocabulary master: Pre-experimental study at 7th grade students in MTsN 4 Bekasi
- The process of school Literacy movement through Readathon in exploring students’ literal comprehension: A case study at the seventh-grade students of SMP Laboratorium percontohan UPI kampus Cibiru-Bandung
- The process of teaching words with student's listening Podcast: A case study to the first semester of EFL English education department of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The reduction of EFL students’ speaking anxiety through small group-discussion technique: A case study at 11th grades in Islamic Senior High School Al-Ikhlash Cicalengka
- The students’ perception on using Google Translate to help their translation tasks: A descriptive study at The Fifth Semester Students Of English Education Department Uin Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The use of audiobooks to improve students' Pronunciation Ability: A pre-experimental at the 8th grade MTs Al-Jawami Cileunyi Bandung
- The use of beauty vlog as media for teaching English vocabulary of beauty care : A descriptive study at eleventh grade students of beauty major at SMK negeri 9 Bandung
- The use of chunking technique in improving reading comprehension of narrative text : A pre-experimental study at the ninth grade students of SMPN 31 Bandung
- The use of descriptive text as instructional media to improve students' speaking ability : Pre-experimental research at the Eight Grade Students of SMPN 3 Blanakan Subang in academic Year 2019/2020
- The use of instagram to improve students' ability in writing descriptive text: A Quasi-experimental study at the seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Cileunyi Bandung in the Academic Year 2018/2019
- The use of mind your language TV sitcom to promote students' critical thinking: A case study at the 11th grade students of MAN 1 Bandung
- The use of new concept' student book audio for teaching vocabulary in listening: A descriptive study at the Eleventh Grade Students of Senior High School in Indramayu
- The use of picture books in teaching reading narrative text to junior high school students: Quasi-experimental research at 8th Grade in SMPN 1 Pusakanagara
- The use of poster to improve students ability in writing analytical exposition text
- The use of RIDER strategy to improve students' Reading comprehension in learning Descriptive text: A study at 8th grade students of SMP PGRI 10 Bandung
- The use of scaffolding techniques through short-stories reading in enhancing students’ vocabulary : Pre-experimental research at the ninth grade students of SMPN 1 Paseh, Bandung in Academic Year 2019/2020
- The use of SQ3R technique in cooperative learning type STAD to Foster students’ ability in english reading comprehension in recount text: A Pre-Experimental at the second grade of SMP PGRI Cililin Bandung Barat
- The use of translation activities in EFL class in improving students’ vocabulary mastery: A-pre experimental study at the eleventh grade students of SMAN 1 Serangpanjang in academic of year 2019/2020
- The Use of visual vocabulary to improve students’ vocabulary: A-Quasi Experimental Study of the seventh Grade Students in SMP Plus Darussurur Cimahi Academic of Year 2019/2020
- The use of wh questions technique to improve students' ability in writing caption text:a qualitative study at the twelfth grade students of MA Al Ma'arif Tanjungjaya Tasikmalaya
- Using augmented reality to support writing activities in Junior High School
- Using graded readers to improve students' vocabulary mastery
- Using infographic to improve EFL learners' annotating skill in reading text: at Eight Grade of SMP Triyasa Ujung Berung
- Using Kahoot! as games-based E-Learning to enhance students' English learning motivation
- Using mobile application instagram to enhance EFL students opportunities of using English and speaking ability
- Using silent short movie and silent web comic to enhance students’ ability in writing narrative text: A comparative study at the 3rd grade students of SMPN 20 Bandung
- Using Think-Pair-Share Technique to enhance EFL students' interaction
- Utilizing dialogic feedback to enhance EFL learners' grammatical accuracy in writing: A case study at 2nd-semester students of english education department UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung academic year 2019
- Utilizing online cooking videos to enhance students’ engagement in learning and their speaking ability: An exploratory research at 2nd grade of SMP ISLAM PACET
Tahun 2018
- Activating Students' Prior Knowledge through THIEVES Strategy in Teaching Reading: A Case Study at The Eighth Grade of MTs Al Irfan Tanjungsari
- An analysis of bahasa inggris textbook for the tenth senior high school
- An analysis of Students' Speaking Anxiety in conversation through teammate: A case study of the ninth grade students at MTs Ar-Rosyidiyah, Bandung
- Analysis of student's problems in generating ideas in writing recount text by using small group discussion technique: A descriptive study at the 2nd grade of SMPN 2 Cileunyi in the academic year of 2017/2018
- Analyzing the emergence of efl students critical thinking and critical literacy ability in story telling project
- Applying Peripheral Learning to Enrich EFL Students' vocabulary Mastery
- Boosting Students’ Word Stress Pronunciation through Video Blog (Vlog) Watching Activity in Speaking Class: A Pre Experimental Study of 12th grade at SMAN 2 Cikarang Utara, Bekasi
- Building students basic English vocabulary through magic memory instruction: A quasi-experimental research study at the 7th Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Tanjungsari
- Developing students' writing skill on recount text through guided writing technique: A pre-experimental study at the eighth grade students of SMPN 01 Cariu
- Developing writing descriptive text using dialogue journal
- Digital storytelling in English as a foreign language classroom to improve listening comprehension: a pre-experimental study at the 10th grade in SMAN 1 Ciparay, Bandung
- Enhancing EFL students' vocabulary retention through chunking technique: A quasi-experimental study at the seventh grade students of MTs Ar-Raudloh Cileunyi-Bandung
- Enhancing students' academic vocabulary through mobile assissted language learning
- Enhancing students' descriptive paragraph through peer feedback technique: a pre-experimental study at the 8th grade of SMP Negeri 2 Cileunyi Bandung
- Enhancing students' vocabulary mastery through riddle game: Pre-experimental research at the tenth grade students of MAS Al-Inayah Garut
- Enhancing students’ receptive vocabulary mastery by using word mapping strategy: the quasi-experimental study of second grade students at SMPN 41 Bandung
- Enriching students' English vocabulary by writing English diary: A pre - experimental study at a second grade students of MA Asshiddiqiyah 3 Karawang
- Enriching students' vocabulary (past form of Action Verbs) through Story Completion Technique
- Exploring students' interest in reading trending topic articles used in reading classes: a case study in the second semester students of English education department at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Exploring student's vocabulary enrichment through mnemonic technique in reading comprehension
- Exploring students' writing procedural text through tutorial video activity: A quasi-experimental study in the 9th Grade Student at MTs Negeri Kota Cimahi
- Exploring teacher’s roles in International Internship classroom a southern Thailand case: A case study at the International Internship Classroom at the State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Exploring Teacher's Code-switching Practice at Bilingual Classroom: A Descriptive Research at Bilingual Classroom of Mathla’ul Huda Islamic Boarding School
- Exploring the Emergence of Students' Critical Thinking Skills during Reading Propaganda Text: A Case Study at the Second Semester Students of English Education Department of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Exploring the implementation of teacher's corrective feedback on students' pronunciation: A case study in the 11th grade students of Science at SMA Plus Al-Hasan Banjarsari Ciamis
- Fostering students' ability in identifying main idea through TPRC strategy in reading a descriptive text: A pre-experimental study at the first grade of SMP Negeri 1 Cileunyi
- Fostering Students` Motivation in Learning English Through Reflective Journal
- Fostering students’ critical thinking through reading text with moral values: Case study at the third students of English Education department of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Icreasing vocabulary by using word Ladder as the game for young learners
- Improving EFL students in speaking skill by using vlog of daily life
- Improving Student's Procedure Text through Derewianka's Teaching Learning Cycles (A Pre-Experimental Study at the 7th Grade Student at SMPN 2 Cileunyi Bandung)
- Improving Students' Speaking Skill through Podcasting
- Improving students' vocabulary mastery by using animation video in descriptive text
- Improving students' writing ability through e-portfolio platform: a case study at the second semester students of English education department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Bandung
- Improving students’ reading comprehension ability of narrative text through english webtoon
- Improving students's writing descriptive text by using the picture word inductive model (PWIM): A quasi experimental study at the 8 grade students of SMP Mekar Arum, Cinunuk, Bandung in 2017/2018 academic year
- Indonesian EFL student teachers' classroom management in Thai EFL classroom in an international teaching practicum: a case study of a secondary school in South of Thailand
- Indonesian EFL student teachers’ classroom culture adjustment process in teaching English to Thai students in an International internship program in Thai School
- Investigating the role of teacher interactional feedback on students writing in wriitng class
- Making productive vocabulary notebook: EFL learners' productive vocabulary acquisition
- Portraying teacher-students turn-taking in EFL classroom and its contribution to their speaking achievement: A Case Study at Grade 12 of SMK Bakti Nusantara 666 Cileunyi, Bandung
- Promoting CTL approach to elicit students' literal reading comprehension on narrative text
- Promoting EFL learners' clarity of argument through Derewianka Teaching Learning Cycle: A case study at A State Islamic University in Bandung Indonesia
- Promoting inferential comprehension through sustained silent reading
- Promoting students' creative thinking in writing paragraph by using digital photograph media
- Recognizing main idea through REAP (Read, Encode, Annotate, Ponder) strategy in teaching reading comprehension A Case Study: at the 3rd Grade Students of SMP Bakti Nusantara 666, Cileunyi, Bandung
- Student teacher’s strategies using ICT in teaching English to Thai young learners in an internship program
- Students' formulaic expressions in EFL classroom communication
- Students' perception of watching learn English with let's talk-free English lesson YouTube channel in listening slang words: a case study at the eleventh grade students of a state senior high school in Bandung
- Students' preference and attitude toward oral corrective feedback in speaking English: direct or indirect
- Students' preferences of direct and indirect written corrective feedback in recount writing: A case study in the 9th grade students of MTs Miftahulfalah Bandung
- Students' response toward the implementation of total physical response (TPR) in teaching listening: a case study in the 3rd Grade of Elementary School at SD Plus Baiturrahman, Ujung Berung
- Students' self-assessment as a process of writing recount text:a case study of the eleventh grade students at Al-Irfan senior high school
- Students’ Experience in Making English Vlog and Their Speaking Fluency: A Case Study at the Fourth Semester Students of EFL Speaking Classroom at the State Islamic University in Bandung
- Teacher's and Students' Perceptions on The Use of Short Story Videos to Teach Writing Narrative Text
- Teaching English to young learners using pinkfong video to improve students' vocabulary
- Teaching grammar in context: the effect of story completion to improve EFL learners' understanding of past tense
- The analysis of students news text translation work taken from the Jakarta Post
- The analysis of teacher talk and student talk in an EFL reading classroom: a case study at the second semester students of English Education Department at Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The correlation between students mastery on English phrasl verbs and students translation ability
- The correlation between students' vocabulary mastery and their translation ability: a correlational research at the 6th semester students of English Education Department State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The correlation between students’ frequency of Listening to English songs and their English pronunciation: A correlational study in the 8th grade students at SMPN 1 Satu Atap Batujaya Karawang
- The Correlation Between Students’ Intrinsic Motivation Of Self-Determination And Their Listening Achievement
- The effect of Pre-questioning on EFL students reading comprehension: A Pre-Experimental Research at the Second Grade Junior High School Students of SMP Al-Islam Bandung in the Academic year 2017/2018
- The effect of teacher's direct written corrective feedback to students' grammatical accuracy in writing
- The effect of textual patterns on students’ inferential comprehension in Hortatory Exposition text
- The effectiveness of Flipped Class model to improve English speaking ability: A pre-experimental study at the 10th grade of six classes science students of MAN 1 Bandung in academic year 2018-2019
- The effectiveness of project-based learning to improve students' ability in writing narrative text
- The effectiveness of skimming in reading republika articles to improve student’s reading ability: A pre-experimental study at the second Grade of SMAN 26 Bandung
- The effectiveness of teaching writing procedural text using visual pictures: a quasy experimental study at Ninth Grade of MTs At-tarbiyah Dayeuhkolot Bandung
- The effectiveness of using realia as a media to enhance students' ability in preposition material
- The effectiveness of using scaffolding technique to improve students' writing skill in descriptive text: a quasi-experimental study at seventh grade students of SMP 1 Yadika Cicalengka
- The effectiveness of word wall media in improving the students' vocabulary mastery: Quasi-experimental study in the 7th grade students of SMPN 46 Bandung
- The implementation of collaborative inquiry project-based learning in relation to students' reading interest
- The Implementation of Fish bone Diagram Technique to Improve student's summarizing skill in hortatory exposition texts : A quasi-experimental study at an eleventh grade of SMAN 27 Bandung in Academic Year 2017/2018
- The implementation of metacognitive strategy through BDA instruction to improve EFL student reading çomprehension
- The implementation of reciprocal teaching technique to improve students' speaking skills: A case study in the 9th Grade Student of 9C at MTsN 1 Sumedang
- The implementation of retelling story on students' speaking skill
- The implementation of Self-Monitoring Approach to Reading and Thinking (SMART) strategy in getting main idea activity: A Pre-Experimental Study at the 8th grade of SMP Plus Bandung Timur
- The influence of dictation method to help students guess the words in vocabulary mastery: A quasi-experimental study at the 12th grade of Science Students of SMAN 1 Pelabuhanratu in academic year 2018-2019
- The influence of partner reading strategy on students' reading ability in finding main ideas: A pre-experimental study at the eleventh grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Bandung
- The intercultural challenges of Indonesian EFL pre-service teacher in teaching English to Thai students in an international teaching internship program: A case study at a State Islamic University in Bandung, Indonesia
- The investigation of students' multiple intelligence to assess their learning style
- The relationship between EFL learning style and their english reading comprehension achievement: A correlational study in the second semester EFL students at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The relationship between students' learning styles and their achievement in listening skill: a correlational study in the 11th grade student at SMAN 27 Bandung
- The teachers' written corrective feedback in EFL writing classroom: A qualitative investigation from an Indonesian university
- The teaching listening in My English Club (MEC) Bandung: implementation and students' responses
- The teaching listening in My English Club (MEC) Bandung: Implementation and students'responses
- The Use Of Background Music As Media To Improve Students' Reading Comprehension Skills
- The use of Boruto Comic to develop students' reading ability in narrative text: a quasi-experimental study at eight grade of SMP Triyasa Ujung Berung
- The use of communicative activities to improve students' speaking skills: A quasi-experimental study at the ninth grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Bandung
- The use of contextual guessing strategy to improve students' reading comprehension ability: classifying report text
- The use of guessing game to improve students' speaking ability
- The use of guided reading strategy to improve students' ability in reading comprehension: A quasi-experimental study at eight grade of SMP Laboratorium Percontohan UPI Cibiru Bandung
- The use of guiding questions technique to improve students' skills in writing recount text: pre-experimental study at the second grade students of SMP Bakti Nusantara 666
- The use of how to videos on youtube to help EFL students' improve their speaking skill in procedure text
- The use of kid story application: top video stories to improve students' narrative text in finding elements of story
- The Use of Notebook Advertisement Video to Help Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
- The Use of PALS (Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies)to Teach Reading Comprehension on Descriptive Text : A Pre-Experimental Research at the First Grade Senior High School Students of SMK Nurul Islam Cianjur in the Academic year 2017/2018
- The use of peer tutoring strategy to develop students' writing skills in recount text
- The use of speech video transcription to improve students' simultaneous intrepreting skill in the class: an experimental study at students of six semester English Education Departement UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The use of storytelling video to improve students’ narative writing in EFL Blended Classrooms: an experimental study at SMAN 01 Sukawangi Bekasi
- The use of Students' Reflection to Improve their Learning in Writing Descriptive Texts: An Experimental Study at the Second Grade Junior High School Students' of PPI 1 Pajagalan Bandung
- The use of suggestopedia method to improve students' speaking skills: A case study in Senior High School Grade-12 SMK Bakti Nusantara 666 Year 2018-2019
- The use of total physical response method in teaching english adjective to young learners: Quasi experiment research at six grade SDN Karang Mulya 03
- The use of Twitter to foster the students' critical thinking skills in critical reading class: A case study at the third semester students of English Education Department of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The use of whispering game in improving students vocabulary mastery: a quasi experimental study at the 8th graders of SMP Negeri 1 Banjaran
- The use of Word Wall Technique to enrich students’ vocabolary mastery : A Quasi-Experimental Study at Tenth Grade of SMA Bakti Putra Cibodas Bandung
- Using PQRST (Preview, Question, Read, Summarize, and Test) strategy to improve students' reading comprehension of narrative text: a pre-experimental study at the eighth grade students of MTs Ar-Raudloh, Cileunyi, Bandung
- Willingness to communicate in English as a foreign language at a high school: a descriptive qualitative study in 9th grade at YASPIA Islamic Junior High School Bekasi
- Word Game as a Student's activity to enrich student's vocabulary mastery at Junior High School: A pre-experimental study of First Grade in MTs Ar-Raudloh Bandung
Tahun 2017
- A Story Grammar Teaching Approach for Building up Students' Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text
- An analysis of lexical density of english textbook for senior high school: a study buku bahasa inggris kelas XI textbook at SMA Mekar Arum Bandung
- An analysis of sudents’ errors in translating word classes: A case study at the 6th semester students of english education department of tarbiyah and teacher training faculty, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in the academic year 2015/2016
- An Error Analysis In Using Singular And Plural Nouns In Speaking : A Descriptive study at Al-Ihsan Islamic Boarding School Bandung
- Analysis of Reading Materials in “When English Rings a Bell” Textbook for Seventh Grade Students in Junior High Shcool
- Appropriate Feedback for Children with Special Educational Needs in English Subject: A Case Study of English Teacher at Ibnu Sina Islamic Elementary School
- Enhancing students’ ability in sentence structure by using sentence combining: A quasi-experimental research at the eleventh grade vocational high school students of SMKN 6 Bandung in the academic year 2016/2017
- Enhancing students’ reading comprehension on recount text through WebQuest: A quasi-experimental research at the Eight Grade Junior High School Students of SMPN 2 Cileunyi in the Academic Year 2016/2017
- Exploring Students’ Metacognitive Strategies in Speaking Class: a Case Study of 2nd Semester Students of an Islamic University in Bandung in the Academic Year 2016/2017
- Improving Students Ability in Subject-Verb Agreement in Analytical Exposition With Think-Pair-Share Technique: A Quasi-Experimental Study at Eleven Grade of SMK Bakti Nusantara 666 Bandung
- Improving students reading comprehension by using experience text relationship: A Quasi-Experimental study at 10 grade of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bandung
- Improving students vocabulary by teaching hyponymy using picture: An experimental study at ninth grade of MTs K. H. A. Wahab Muhsin Tasikmalaya
- Improving Students Writing Skill in Narrative Text Through Reading to Learn in an Indonesian Senior High School: an Action Research” : A Classroom Action Research in Senior High School at Hidayatunnjah Kab. Bekasi in Academic Year 2017-2018
- Investigating EFL teachers' ability in implementing HOTS and LOTS in their English test items : a case study at the seventh grade of junior high school EFL teachers of MTsN in Bandung
- Investigating students’ problems of finding main ideas in english texts: A case study at the 3rd Students of MAN 2 Ciamis
- Needs Analysis Of Esp Target Situation For Engineering Supervisors At Pt. Bridgestone Tyre, Karawang
- Pola perencanaan Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Nurul Burhan dalam upaya peningkatan pendidikan pesantren: penelitian di Rw. 07 Des. Munjul Kec. Cilaku Kab. Cianjur
- Student self-efficacy related to their speaking ability : a correlational study at the second semester students of English Education Department State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Academic Year 2016
- Students’ perception toward implementation of communicative language teaching (CLT): a case study research at the Third Grade of SMAN 1 Cicalengka
- Teacher's Belief of Learner-Centred Teaching in ESP Classroom at Informatic Engineering Students A Case Study : at the Second Semester of Informatic Engineering Students of Science and Technology Faculty State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The analysis of cohesion in english essay writing among the sixth semester students of english education department of state Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung : a case study of sixth semester student of English education department state Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The analysis of EFL students' fundamental critical thinking skills emerged in English debates: A descriptive study of annual students Association of English Education Department National Competition participants of State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The Analysis of English Handbook Towards Muamalah Students’ Needs in Learning ESP: A Case study in the Second Semester of Muamalah Students in State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The analysis of pronunciation errors committed by undergraduate university students of English Education Department at Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The analysis of students’ citation in their final paper: A case study of English Education Students’ Final Paper State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Grade 2012
- The analysis of students’ critical literacy in reading news article: a case Study at the 4th semester students of English Education Department in State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The analysis of students’ perception on teacher rapport building in EFL classroom settings: A descriptive study at SMAN 12 Garut
- The analysis of students’ verb-form error as the evidences in writing recount text: case study research at eleventh grade senior high school students of MAN 1 Sumedang in the Academic Year 2016/2017
- The analysis of teacher’s feedback during students’ speaking activity: A case study at 11th grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Bojongsoang Bandung
- The common students’ errors of word classes and word order in students’ writing projects: Error analysis of students’ writing in SMAN 19 Bandung academic year of 2017/2018
- The correlation between students’ habit of reading online materials and their achievement in reading comprehension: A correlation research at eleventh grade students of SMAN 1 Ciemas
- The correlation between the students’ metacognitive knowledge and their writing achievement: A correlational research at 6th semester students of english education department State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The effect of note-taking strategy using interactive notebook on the improvement of students’ grammar mastery: A Quasi-Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 3 Cileunyi, Kab.Bandung
- The effect of think talk write strategy in teaching writing recount text
- The Effectiveness Of Animation Videos To Improve Students’ Speaking Ability: A Pre Experimental Study at the Eighth-Grade Students of SMPN 1 Cileunyi, Bandung
- The effectiveness of Sandwiches Game Technique in improving students’ English Vocabulary: A Quasi Experimental study at 7th grade students of SMP Mekar Arum Kabupaten Bandung
- The effectiveness of think pair share technique in improving students’ recount text writing: pre-experimental study at the third grade students of MTsN 2 of Bandung
- The effectiveness of using caricature as media in teaching to improve students' writing skill: a quasi-experimental research at the second-grade students of MTs Yamisa Soreang Bandung in the academic year 2017/2018
- The effectiveness of using caricature as media in teaching to improve students’ writing skill : a quasi-experimental research at the second grade students of MTs Yamisa Soreang, Bandung in the academic year 2017/2018
- The effectiveness of using e-module based lectora inspire as media to improve students’ reading skill: A pre-experimental study at eleventh grade of MAN 1 Garut
- The effectiveness of using short stories in improving students speaking ability: A quasi-experimental research at the eleventh grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Bandung in academic year 2017-2018
- The influence of teaching EFL using story mapping on students’ achievement in reading comprehension
- The Influence of Teaching Reading Using Multisensory Method on Students’ Reading Skill: A Quasi-Experiment at the' Second Grade of SMP Annaja Cipeundeuy
- The Influence of Using Index Card Match to Improve Students’ Writing Skill in Descriptive Text :a Quasi Experimental Research at the 7th Grade Junior High School Students of SMP Mekar Arum, Bandung Year 2016/2017
- The influence of zenius multimedia video on students’ achievement of listening skill: Quasi experimental at SMP PGRI 10 Bandung
- The role of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) in fostering EFL learners' autonomy
- The use of animated cartoons in teaching degrees of comparison : a quasi-experimental research at the Eighth Grade of MTs. Miftahulfalah Kota Bandung in the academic year 2016/2017
- The use of comic strips in improving students writing skill in learning narrative texts: A quasi-experimental research at tenth grade of Senior High School of SMK IPTEK Cilamaya Karawang in the Academic Year 2016/2017
- The use of critical reflection to improve students' reading comprehension in a reading course
- The Use Of Free Writing Technique To Improve Students Writing Ability Of Descriptive Text
- The use of gestures to improve students vocabulary mastery: The process and responses
- The use of Information Gap Activity (IGA) to improve students' Speaking Ability : Quasi-Experimental Study at the Second Grade of Junior High School Karya Budi
- The Use of Jakarta Post Online Article in Teaching Reading to Improve the Students’ Critical Thinking Skill: A Case Study at the Fourth Semester Student of English Education Department of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The use of listen-and-draw technique to improve students’ listening skill: A quasi - experimental research at 8th grade junior high school students of SMPN 4 Purwakarta
- The use Of mind mapping technique to improve students’ vocabulary mastery
- The use of newscasting activity in improving the students’ pronunciation: A Quasi-Experimental Study at tenth grade of MA Putri PUI Talaga Majalengka in the Academic Year 2017/2018
- The use of Prior Knowledge Activation Strategy to improve students’ Reading Comprehension: a quasi-experimental at ninth grade of SMPN 2 Cileunyi Bandung
- The Use of Quantum Teaching in improving students' speaking results
- The use of reading aloud method to improve students' speaking ability: A quasi experimental study at the 8th grade Junior High School Students Of SMPN 1 Setu, Kabupaten Bekasi
- The Use of Reading, Encoding, Annotating, Pondering (REAP) Technique towards Students’ Reading Skills: A Quasi-Experimental Research at Eighth Grade Junior High School Students of SMPN 4 Rancaekek Bandung in the Academic Year 2017/2018
- The use of reflective writing as a tool to improve students’ writing and critical thinking skill: a study case in the sixth semester students of English Education Department at State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The use of semantic mapping to increase students’ vocabulary mastery: An experimental study at the fifth grade of SDN Pamucatan Bandung Barat in the Academic Year of 2016/2017
- The use of video materials to improve students’ listening comprehension: A quasi experimental study at 8 grade of SMP Bakti Nusantara 666 Cileunyi Bandung
- The use of Westlife songs as media to improve students’ english vocabulary mastery: A Quasi-experimental study at the first grade students of SMPN 1 Setu Bekasi
- The use of word tail game technique in English language teaching to develop students' English vocabulary: a quasy-experimental study at the seven grade students of SMPN 1 Sukatani Bekasi
- Using small group discussion technique to improve students' speaking skill
- Using TTW (Think Talk Write) Strategy: A quasi-experimental study at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jatisari in the Academic 2016/2017
Tahun 2016
- Improving students’ speaking English ability by using snake and ladder board game: a classroom action research at the 2nd Grade Students of Al-Aqsho Islamic Modern Boarding School, Jatinangor, Sumedang
- The analysis of young learners english speaking anxiety : a case study at 5th grade Elementary School students of SDN Pakuwon I in the Academic Year 2015/2016
- The Effectiveness of Naruto Movies to increase students’pPronunciation ability: A quasi-experimental research at the tenth Grade Senior High School Students of MA Banuraja in the Academic Year 2015/2016
- The effectiveness of role-playing technique in improving students’ vocabulary mastery: a quasy-experimental study at the first grade of MTs Ma’arif Cikeruh Sumedang
- The Effectiveness of Using Movies with Subtitle as a Media to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery“: Quasi-Experimental Study at the 7th Grade of MTs. Banuraja Kab. Bandung Barat
- The effectiveness of using picture guessing games to improve students’ descriptive text writing: an experimental study at Junior High School of 2 Cilengkrang Bandung for second grade in the academic year of 2015/2016
- The effectiveness of using QTM technique to teach English tenses: A quasi-experimental study at the second grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Bandung
- The effectiveness of wordless picture books strategy to improve students’ in writing narrative text: An experimental Study at Third Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Sukawangi
- The implementation of seating arrangement to increase students motivation in learning English: A case study at the 8th grade students of MTs Ma’arif Cilawu, Garut
- The influence of using Open World PC Game on students’ English vocabulary mastery: A Quasi Experimental Study at the 2nd Grade of Bina Muda Senior High School Kabupaten Bandung
- The students’ mastery of english structure material related to their writing skill in English
- The use of POW and TREE strategy to improve students’ writing ability of argumentative text: A quasi experimental study at the eleventh grade of SMA Darul Falah Cihampelas in academic year 2015/2016
- The Use of Visual Scaffolding Technique to Improve Students’ Achievement in reading narrative text:an experimental study of The Eight Grade Junior High School Students of Mts Yasti 1 Cisaat Kabupaten Sukabumi in Academic Year 2016/2017
Tahun 2015
- A phonological analysis of Indonesian's utterances
- Analyzing ways of Indonesian student’s exchange program participants in improving their spoken English in host countries: a sescriptive study to student’s exchange participants returnee in global youth ambassador program (GYAP) of AIESEC Local Committee Bandung, Indonesia
- The Analysis of Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE) Textbook for Grade VIII of Junior High School
- The Analysis Of Students’ Difficulties In Translating English Text and How to Overcome It : A Descriptive Study in the 6th Semester Students of English Education Department at State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The correlation between Mastering Idioms and Students’ translating ability: A Correlational Study in the Eighth Semester of PBI Students at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The Effectivenes of Using Thematic Card Game to Improve Speaking Skill
- The effectiveness of community language learning in improving military students speaking ability: an experimental study at the military class of asrama Yon Zipur 9 Ujung Berung Bandung
- The effectiveness of PQ4R strategy in improving students’ reading comprehension on descriptive text: An experimental study at the VIII grade students of Mts Raudlatul Muta’alimin
- The effectiveness of self-editing technique to improve students’ writing ability: a quasi experimental study to the 4th semester students of English Education Department of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The effectiveness of teaching writing procedural text using visual pictures:a quasy experimental study at Ninth Grade of MTs At-tarbiyah Dayeuhkolot Kabupaten Bandung
- The Effectiveness of Using Hangman Game in Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery : A Quasi Experimental Study at the Second Grade of MTs Yapin Kertasemaya, Indramayu
- The influence of snake and ladder game toward students’ speaking ability: An experimental study at the second grade of SMPN 5 Banjarsari
- The use of music and movement method to increase students’ vocabulary mastery: a quasi experimental study at the fourth grade of SDN Binaharapan 02 Bandung
- The use of spelling bee game to improve students’ vocabulary mastery: An experimental study at the second grade in SMP TRIYASA Bandung
Tahun 2014
- Enhaching students reasding narrative text by using carousel brainstroming
- Improving student’s speaking skill using role play technique: A quasi-experimental study at tenth-grade students of SMK Pasundan 2 Banjaran
- Improving students’ pronunciation skill through reading cinquain poetry: A Quasi experimental study at first grade of SMPN 17 Bandung
- Need Analysis of English Material Course for Students’ of Arabic Education Department (A Descriptive Study at Students’ of Arabic Education Department State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung)
- Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Two Stay Two Stray Pada Mata Pelajaran SKI Pokok Bahasan Fathu Mekkah Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas pada Siswa Kelas V MI Al-Muslimin Kecamatan Cikarang Utara, Kabupaten Bekasi)
- Relationship between Students’ Creative Thinking and Their Narrative Writing Ability. (A Correlational Study of the Third Year Students’ (2011) of English Education Department UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung)
- Teaching Vocabulary through Cartoon Movies at Junior High School (A Quasi- Experimental Study at First Grade Students in SMP Negreri 02 Tamansari Bogor)
- The Effectiveness of Using Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery (An Experimental Study at the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Muslimin Panyawungan Cileunyi Bandung)
- The effectiveness of using semantic gradient technique to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery :an experimental study at Second Grade of SMP Karya Budi Cileunyi, Bandung
- The Effectiveness of Using the Lexias (Units of Reading) on Improving Students’ Reading Skill in the Narrative Text (A Quasi-Experimental Study at Eleventh Grade Madrasah Aliyah Darussalam Islamic Boarding School Kasomalang-Subang)
- The Implementation of Teaching Speaking at ‘The Center’ English Club Bandung (A Case Study of Teaching Speaking at ‘The Center’ English Club, Jl. Setiabudhi 26b, Bandung)
- The Influence Of Context Clues On Reading Texts To Improve Students’ Vocabulary (An Experimental Study At Eighth Grade Of Smpn 1 Sukawangi-Bekasi)
- The Influence of Hypnoteaching Technique on Students Speaking Ability : An Experimental Study at X Grade of SMAN 26 Bandung
- The Influence of RoundRobin Technique in Improving Students’ Vocabulary (An Experimental Study at the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 1 Situraja-Sumedang)
- The Influence of Snakes and Ladders Technique to Improve Students’ Reading Ability in Descriptive Text (An Experimental Study at 1st Grade at SMP Pasundan 4 Bandung)
- The Students’ Intensity in Using English Digital Media Related to Their Speaking Skills (A Correlational Study at the Eight Grade Students of SMP Al-Hasan Panyileukan Bandung)
- The Teacher Feedback on Students’s Hortatory Exposition Texts ( A Case study at second grade SMAN 1 Purwadadi, Subang )
- The Use of “Casper” Cartoon Film as a Teaching Media to Improve Students’ Pronunciation Ability” (A Quasi Experimental Study at the Eight Grade of SMP Muslimin Panyawungan Cileunyi Bandung)
- The Use Of Flashcard Media In Teaching Narrative Text To Improve Students’ Writing Ability (A-Quasi Experimental Study At Second Grade Of Smpn 13 Bandung)
- The Use of Outdoor Learning Technique to Increase Students Vocabulary Mastery (A Quasi Experimental Study at The First Grade of SMPN 2 Taman Sari, Bogor)
- The Use of Paraphrasing Strategy to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery (An Experimental Study at the Second Grade of Accounting Department Students of SMKN 1 Ciamis)
- The use of TTW (Think, Talk, Write) strategy to improve students’ writing ability in writing a descriptive text: An experimental study of the second grade at SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Bandung
Tahun 2013
- A content analysis on english textbook for Grade VIII secondary school based on the Criteria of EFL (English as Foreign Language) textbook
- An analysis of grammatical and mechanical errors in writing narrative text made by grade eleven students of SMA PGRI Tanjungsiang Subang
- Improving the Sundanese Students’ ability in English pronunciation through repetition drill: A quasi-experimental study in the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Sunanul Huda Leuwiliang Bogor
- Merry-go-round activity in increasing young learners’ reading aloud performance : a quasi-experimental study at the fifth grade of SD Negeri Manggah Kertamukti Cipatat Bandung Barat
- Penerapan pendekatan Contectual Teaching and Learning (CTL) untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran IPA tentang pengaruh gaya terhadap benda: Penelitian tindakan kelas di MI YPI Galmasi Kelas IV Desa Nanjungjaya Kecamatan Kersamanah Kabupaten Garut
- Slip of The Tongue in Efl Classroom Interaction : A Descriptive Study at English Service Program – ESP – Club, Radio Republik Indonesia – RRI – Bandung in 2013
- Student’s responses on personal vocabulary notes to improve student’s understanding vocabulary: A descriptive study at grade VII, MTs. SA Syifaurrahman Tasikmalaya
- The correlation between students English vocabulary mastery and students worksheet: A Case study to students of seventh grade at SMP Negeri 1 Losarang Indramayu
- The correlation of students’ Irregular Verbs mastery towards students’ understanding of Simple Past Tense: A correlational study at Grade Eight of SMPN 3 Ciparay, Kab- Bandung
- The effect of time Token Arends’ strategy on improving students’ speaking skills: An experimental study in Seventh grade students at SMPN 2 Cileunyi Bandung
- The Effect of Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) Strategy on the Students’ Ability to Write Procedural Texts : An Experimental Study at 9 Grade at SMP Muslimin Panyawungan Cileunyi-Bandung
- The effectiveness of Drilling Technique to improve student’s ability in pronouncing english words: A Quasi-Experimental study at 7 grade SMP PGRI 9 Gede Bage
- The Effectiveness of Scrabble Game in Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Speaking Ability (a Quasy-Experimental Study at Second Grade of MTs Al-Fatah Cikembang-Bandung)
- The effectiveness of STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) to improve students’ reading comprehension ability: An experimental study at Junior High School Students 2nd Grade of SMPN 1 Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi
- The effectiveness of teaching English using guided note-taking technique to increase Students’ listening skill: a quasi-experimental Study at Grade Ten of MA Andalusia Cilograng, Lebak-Banten
- The effectiveness of using buzz group technique in improving narrative writing of students’ at MA Ar-Rosyidiyah Kota Bandung
- The Effectiveness of using spreading activation Network Technique to improve the Student’s vocabulary mastery: A true experimental study at 6th Grade of AL-Masoem Elementary School, Rancaekek Bandung
- The use of English magazine as reading media towards students’ improvement in vocabulary: A quasi-experimental study at year seven of MTsN 1 Pasiripis Surade kabupaten Sukabumi
- The use of experiential learning technique to develop students’ ability to write procedural texts: an experimental study at first grade of MTs AL-FAUZIAYAH Bunisari Lebak Bandung Barat
- The use of lyrical Pop Music media to Improve students’ mastery in writing Narrative essay: An Experimental study at first grade student of SMAN 24 Bandung
- The use of Photo Feedback Method to improve students’ writing ability: A Quasi-Experimental Study at Second Grade of SMPN 17 Bandung
- The use of Video as an Audio Visual media to increase students’ mastery in writing Exposition Text: Experimental study at SMKN 1 Gabuswetan-Indramayu Grade XII
Tahun 2012
- The correlation between students mastery of tense and their achievement in writing recount text
- The correlative study between English and Arabic on adverbs: The contrastive analysis between two foreign languages
- The effectiveness of Total Physical Response (TPR) method in teaching preposition of place to young learners: A quasi-experimental study in the fifth grade students of MI Ketib Sumedang
- The student's mastery of vocabulary and its relationship with their ability in translating the English text
Tahun 2011
- Look and say technique in teaching vocabulary for improving students vocabulary mastery: an experimental study at the six grade students of MI AI-Mishbah Bandung
- Student's styles and difficulties in learning English writing at Senior High School: a case study of the first grade students at SMAN 1 Ciranjang
- The analysis of learning English as Foreign Language (Efl) at golden age: a descriptive study at RA Persis 137 Cangkuang
- The comparison between male and female's reading comprehension ability: a case study at the second year students of English Education Department of the State Islam University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The influence of listening practice in improving students' speaking skills: Classroom action research at intermediate level of Fajar Institute Haruman Ujungberung Bandung
- The learning of narrative text by using multimedia: an experimental study at eleventh Grade of MAN I Bandung
Tahun 2010
- A comparative study between the influence of students' motivation and school environment on English learning achievement
- An analysis of students' error in using gerund and infinitive: a case study at English Education Department Year 2006
- Analysis of syntactical errors made by students in translating Indonesian texts into English: a case study on the sixth semester of English education department in English Indonesian translation subject
- Analyzing the students' reading strategies in enhancing reading comprehension skill
- Comparative study between gerund in English and Arabic teaching: a study at MTs Al Basyariyah Bandung
- Erros in students pronounciations of speaking English: A descriptive study at the seventh grade of MTs Mekar Karya Sukabumi
- Grammatical errors in imaginative writing through pictures: a case study of the third grade students at SMPN 8 Ujungberung-Bandung
- Students' learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment
- Student's perception toward prose course and its relation to their writing skill: a case study on literature learning in the classroom in seventh grade of MTS Negeri Tarikolot
- Teaching English using audio visual aids to enhance student's vocabulary mastery: an experimental in SMA Negeri 1 Cileunyi Kab. Bandung
- Teaching English vocabulary throuh active learning: classroom action research on English lesson at grade one of SDN Mulyasari 1 Bandung
- The analysis of English electronic book entitled English in focus widely used for Junior High School
- The analysis of student's pronunciation errors in reading aloud and their solution: a descriptive study at the sixth year of MI Padasuka Sumedang in 2009/2010 School Year
- The application of English R&B songs to improve listening comprehension of students: an experimental study at the grade eleven of SMA Plus Al-Ghifari Bandung
- The correlation between students motivation in reading with their ability in reading comprehension subject
- The correlation between the students' prior knowledge and their writing achievement: a case study at eight grade students at SMPN 2 Sukahaji Majalengka
- The correlation between watching MTV program and the students vocabulary mastery: a case at the six grade Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Cibatu-Garut
- The correlation of Oprah Winfrey show as media to student's achievement in speaking skill
- The difficulties of using simple present tense and the simple past tense in understanding narrative text: A study at the Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Banjarangsana-Ciamis
- The effect of cooperative learning through the application of number head together on students vocabulary achievement: an experiment study at the sixth grade of SDN II Mekarwangi Ciamis
- The effectiveness of computer-assisted language learning program usage on students' achievement in speaking ability: an experimental study at grade eight students of SMP Muhammadiyah Cipanas-Cianjur
- The effectiveness of jigsaw technique in improving students' writing ability: an experimental study at SMK Citra Bangsa Plered-Purwakarta
- The effectiveness of memonic technique toward student's speaking skill: an experimental study of teaching learning process toward students' speaking skill at year five of the SDN Linggar I and III Rancaekek-Bandung
- the effectiveness of phonic method in teaching pronunciation: a quasi-experimental study at grade seven of the SMPN 1 Batujajar
- The effectiveness of using a language game in reducing the boredom of learning English
- The influence of storytelling method on mastering vocabulary in young learners: An experimental study on the fifth grade students in SDN Sapan I Bojongsoang Kabupaten Bandung
- The influence of teaching English using word games on student's vocabulary mastery: an experiment study at the year five students in SDN Bangkir Sumedang
- The influence of using dictation on student's ability in writing: The experimental study at MTs YPI Pulosari Limbangan, Garut Year VIII
- The portrait of teaching English for nursing in nursing academy: a case study of English teacher at Aisyiyah Nursing Academy Bandung
- The strategies of improving student's motivation to speak English fluently: A case study at year XII at Islamic Boarding School Al Musri Mekarhurip Cikancung Garut
- The student's attitude towards contextual teaching and learning (CTL) in TEFL and its correlation to their English achievement: a correlational study at SBI - International Standard School - Second Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Sumedang
- The student's interference in Indonesian sentence pattern on the their achievement in English pattern
- The students' mastery of idioms and its relationship with their ability in reading comprehension: A correlational study at second year of English education department in State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The use of flash animation media in teaching English tenses: an experimental research at class VI-A and VI-B Student's of SDN Karapiak I Rancaekek Bandung
- The use of jigsaw in teaching reading for junior high school students: quasi experimental research into grade nine students in the MTsN Jatisari Karawang
Tahun 2009
- Implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach in teaching English to kindergarten: A case study at year two of TKA plus Darul Ulum Majalaya Bandung
- Practicing English dialogues on the theme of reading text and its influence on student's reading comprehension skill
- The portrait of teaching grammar at grade eight of the SMP Pasundan Rancaekek-Bandung
- The student's response to teaching English using media 'vertical limit' short film: A case study at English Education Department Student at Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University
Tahun 2008
Tahun 2007
- An analysis of refusals and their responses in Indonesian context: An investigation of refusal responses expressed by University Students in UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- The influence of CD interactive usage on students` achievement in learning English: An experimental study at second year class of SMA Karya Budi Cileunyi Bandung
- The students' intensity in playing playstation game for mastering english vocabulary: A research on year two of the SMPN 8 Bandung
Tahun 2005