Tahun 2021
- An Analysis of Errors in Recount Texts Written by Tenth Grade Students at SMA Swasta PGRI 37 Batang Kuis
- An Analysis of Profanity Uttered by Male and Female Indonesian Youtubers
- An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Speaking English at Tenth Grade of SMA Swasta Nurul Iman Tanjung Morawa
- An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Skill in Daily Activity at Darul Azhar Islamic Boarding School
- An Analysis of Students’ Translation Error on Explanation Text at Tenth Grade of Senior High School of SMA PAB 4 Sampali
- An Analysis of the Eighth Grade Students’ Errors in Writing Recount Text Based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy: A Case Study at MTs Ar-Ridho Medan
- An Analysis Students’ Speaking Anxiety in Speaking English at Tenth Grade MAS Raudhatul Akmal
- An Error Analysis Of Prepositions Of Place In Student’s Descriptive Text In Writing Of The Eight Year Students In MTS Swasta Al-Jumhuriyah Sei Rotan
- An Error Analysis On EFL Student’s Reflective Journal Writing On Online Blogging At Tarbiya And Teachers Training Faculty State Islamic University Of North Sumatera
- Analysis of Speaking Learning During Covid-19 Era at SMA Negeri 2 Sibolga in Academic Year 2021/2022
- English Teachers’ Challenges in Teaching Speaking Skill during Covid-19 Pandemic at MTsN 1 Labuhanbatu
- Implementation of Learning English Vocabulary for Students 6-8 Years Old In MIS Plus Al-Faiz 165 With Audio Visual Methods
- Improving Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Through Comic Book At Tenth Grade Of MAS Raudhatul Akmal
- Improving Student’s Reading Com-prehension on Narrative Text through Whatsapp Application Online Class during the Pandemic Covid-19
- Improving Students’ Listening Ability Through Dictation Technique At SMP Negeri 6 Kisaran In Academy Year 2021/2022
- Improving Students’ Skill in Writing Narrative Text by Using Dictation Dictogloss Method in Junior High School Pesantren Ar Raudhatul Hasanah Medan
- Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through The Utilization Of Quizlet Application At The Tenth Grade Of Mas Ibadurrahman In 2020/2021 Academic Year
- Improving Students’ Writing Achievement on Recount Text by using Photograph at Ninth Grade Students of MTsN 1 Medan
- Improving The Student’s Vocabulary Through Picture Method At Eleventh Grade Students’ Of MAS Al-Washliyah 67 Pematang Siantar
- Improving The Students’ Achievement In Writing Descriptive Text Through Think Pair Share Technique At Eight GradeOof MTs. Swasta Al-Washliyah 19 Percut In Academic Year 2020/2021
- Improving The Students’ Critical Thinking In Reading Comprehension Through High Order Thinking Skills Strategy At Twelve Grade Of Sma Ahmad Yani Binjai In Academic
- Students’ Perspective of using Whatsapp Group for Teaching English during Covid-19 Pandemic
- Teacher’s Efforts In Increasing Students Learning Activities In English Lessons During A Covid-19 Pandemic
- The Application of Paraphrasing Strategy to Improve the Students’ Writing Ability at Mas Al - Washliyah Petumbukan
- The Comparison of The Student’s Ability in Translation of a Narrative text using Google Translate and Manual Translation at State Islamic University of North Sumatera in Academic Year 2020/2021
- The Effect Of Applying English Comic Media On The Students’ Reading Skills At The Seventh Grade Of SMPN 2 Lembah Melintang
- The Effect Of Applying Outdoor Activity On The Students’ Writing Ability In Descriptive Text At SMP IT Suara Da’I Muda Langkat
- The Effect of Crossword Puzzle Game on Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text at the Eighth Grade of Junior High School
- The Effect of Direct Interaction Strategy in Teaching Reading Comprehension
- The Effect Of EGRA Technique In Teaching Writing Skills At The Tenth Grade Students Of MAS MAdinatussalam
- The Effect of Lingohack Youtube Video on The Students’ Ability to Comprehend Report Text at Mas Plus Al-Ulum Medan
- The Effect of Metacognitive Strategy on The Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement at SMA Islam Al Ulum Terpadu Medan in The Academic Year 2020/2021
- The Effect of PQRST (Preview, Question, Read, Summary, Test) Method on Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text at the Tenth Grade of Senior High School in Academic Year 2020/2021
- The Effect Of Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review Reflect (Sq4r) Method on Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text at The Tenth Grade of Man 2 Model Medan in 2020/2021 Academic Year
- The Effect of Translation Machine Application to Students’ Listening Ability at MAS Yayasan Pendidikan Budaya
- The Effect of Using Facebook towards the Students' writing skills in descriptive text at SMAN 1 Purbatua Academic Year 2019/2020
- The Effect Of Using Partner Reading Strategy Toward Reading Fluency At The 7th Grade Students’ Of SMP N 2 Batang Angkola
- The Effect of Using PLEASE (Pick-List-Evaluate- Activate-Supply-End) Strategy on Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text at seventh grade of Mts Nurul Hakim Tembung
- The Effect Of Utilizing Hello English Application On Students’ Writing Skill Of Descriptive Text At The Tenth Grade Of SMA Swasta Raudhatul Jannah
- The Effect of Video Conference On Students’ Self-Confidence in Speaking at Eight Grade of SMP Wiraswasta Batang Kuis
- The Effect of Watching Movie to Develop Pronunciation at First Semester Students Department of English Education in State Islamic University of North Sumatra
- The Effect of Whole Brain Teaching Strategy on The Students' Simple Present Tense Mastery at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 5 Takengon
- The Effectiveness of Picture Sequences In Teaching Conditional Sentences At SMA Swasta Al – Hikmah Medan
- The Effectiveness Of Using Scattergories Games Towards Students’ Vocabulary At MTs Baharuddin Tapanuli Selatan
- The Implementation of Blindfold Game to Improve the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at Second Grade of MTs Percontohan Tebing Tinggi in Academic Year 2020/2021
- The Implementation Of Mind Map Technique To The Students‟ Ability In Writing Descriptive Text At Seventh Grade Of SMP Islam Terpadu Yayasan Ar-Rasyad Kuala In 2019/2020 Academic Year
- The Implementation Of Self-Reflection Writing To Improve Students’ Ability To Write Recount Text Atthe Tenth Grade Of Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Nurul Hakim Medan In 2020/2021 Academic Year
- The Student Cognitive Process of Writing Descriptive Text by the Tenth Grade Student of Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Nurul Hakim
- The Student Lexical Errors In Writing Spoof Essay At Eleventh Grade Of Yayasan Islamic Center Sumatera Utara
- The Use of English Children Short Story to Enrich the Students’ Vocabulary Achievement at MTs Swasta Al-Jama’iyah
- The Use of Visual Imagery Strategy to Improve The Students’ Writing Skill of Recount Text at The Tenth Grade in MA. Lab. UIN SU Medan
- Using Dictation Method In Teaching English Listening Skill At Seventh Grade Students Of Mts 1 Pab Helvetia
- Utilizing Comic Strip To Improve Students’ Speaking Skill Of Grade XI Mas Al-Manar Hamparan Perak
- Utilizing Flashcard Media To Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery The Seventh Grade Of Mts. Boarding School Tahfidz Baistusy Syakirin In 2020/2021 Academic Year
Tahun 2020
- An Analysis of First Language Interference on Students’ Speaking of English as Foreign Language at Man 4 Mandailing Natal
- An Analysis Of Inquiry Based Learning Strategy To Improve Students’ Achievement On Simple Past Tense At Eighth Grade Students Of Mts Hifzil Qur’an Medan In Academic Year 2019/2020
- An Analysis Of Lexical Error In Writing Recount Text At Eighth Grade Of MTs Aisyiyah Medan
- An Analysis of the Student‟s Difficulties In Reading Comprehension At MTs Al Mahrus Medan
- Analisis Pembelajaran Daring Dalam Menumbuhkan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Biologi Di SMA Negeri 1 Simangumban
- Analysis Of The Students' Difficulties In Translating English Recount Text To Indonesia At MAS Darul Qur'an Year 2019/2020
- Applying of quick on the draw strategy to improve students' skill in writing descriptive text at SMA IT Indah Medan at 10TH grade academic year 2019/2020
- Developing Language Students’ Writing Ability At Descriptive Text By Applying Questioning Strategy At The Tenth Grade Of Mas Pesantren Dairi Sidikalang
- Implementation Of Show And Tell Method To Improve Students' Vocabulary Mastery At UPTD SMP Negeri 02 Tanjung Tiram
- Implementation Of Talking Stick Technique To Improve Students' Writing Ability In Descriptive Text At Seventh Grade Of MTs Aisyiyah Medan
- Improving Speaking Skill Through Story Completion At Tenth Grade of Senior High School in MA Laboratorium UIN-SU Medan
- Improving Student’s Vocabulary Mastery Through English Newspapaper Article At Eight Grade Of Mts Al-Munawwarah Medang Deras
- Improving Students' Achievement In Writing Procedure Text Through Round Table Technique At The First Grade Of SMK Harapan Babalan Pangkalan Berandan Kabupaten Langkat
- Improving Students' Vocabulary Achievement Thorugh WordWalls Strategy at Eight Grade of Mts Hifzil Qur’an Medan
- Improving Students’ Ability At Writing Narrative By Using Short Animated Stories At Yayasan Pondok Pesantren As-Syarifiyah
- Improving Students’ Ability In Writing Descriptive Text By Using Pop-up Book AT SMP SWASTA ISLAM NUR IHSAN TEMBUNG
- Improving Students’ Achievement In Writing Procedure Text Through Round Table Technique At First Grade Of SMK Swasta Al-Washliyah 1 Marbau
- Improving Students’ Listening Skills Through Podcast At Mts Islamiyah Gunting Saga
- Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Webtoon Application At MTs Az-Zuhri Tanjung Morawa
- Improving Students’ Speaking Skill By Using Show And Tell Method At The Second Grade Of MTs PP. Tarbiyah Islamiyah Hajoran
- Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Personal Vocabulary Notes Technique at Seventh Grade of MTs Hifzhil Quran Medan
- Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Make A Match Technique At The First Grade Students Of MTs. Aisyiyah Medan
- Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Total Physical Response Method At Seventh Grade Students Of MTs Hidayatussalam
- Improving Students’ Writing Ability through Inquiry-Based Learning Method Of Junior High School At Mts Al-Mahrus Medan
- Improving Students’ Writing Procedure Text Through Make A Match Technique At Tenth Grade Of MAS Al-Manaar PTPN IV Pulu Raja In Academi Year 2020/2021
- Improving Students’ Writing Skill of Descriptive Text through Guided Question Method at MAS Al Manar Hamparan Perak
- Improving Students’ Writing Skills in Descriptive Text by Using Visual-Spatial Intelligence Strategy at MTS Al-Jumhuriyah Sei Rotan
- Improving The Students skills in writing Recount text by using diary at integrated Islamic junior high school Hj. Fauziah Binjai
- Improving the Students' Vocabulary Trough Monopoly Games at the Eighth Drade Students of Madrasaj Tsanawiyah Swasta Madinatussalam Sei Rotan Percut Sei Tuan
- Improving the students writing ability in Descriptive Text Throught scrapbook as the Media at MTs Al-Munawwarah Binjai
- Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension On Narrative Text By Using Fable At Eighth Grade Of MTs Al – Manaar PTPN IV Pulu Raja
- Increasing Students' Writing Ability At Descriptive Text By Using Bits And Pieces Game At MTs PAB 1 Helvetia Medan
- Students’ Perspectives Of Simon Says Game To Practice Listening Comprehension At Grade Eight Students Of MTsS Madinatussalam in 2020/2021 Academic Year
- The Adoption Of Fly Swatter Game To Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At Mts Hifzil Qur’an Medan
- The Analysis Of Students’ Error In Using Simple Present Tense In Writing Descriptive Text At The Eight Grade Students Of Mtsn 2 Deli Serdang
- The Application Of Cue Card Media To Improve Students' Ability At Writing Descriptive Text At The Second Grade MTs Hifzhil Quran Yayasan Islamic Centre Sumatera Utara
- The Correlation Between Self Confidence To Students’ English Speaking Ability Of The Eleventh Grade Students Of Man 2 Madina In Academic Year 2020/2021
- The Correlation Between Student’s Mastery Of Past Tense And Writing Skill In Recount Text At Eleventh Grade Of Senior High School
- The Correlation Between Students’ Habit In Writing A Diary And Achievement In Composing Skill Of Descriptive Text
- The Correlation between the Students’ Motivation in Learning English and Their Reading Comprehension at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 2 Lembah Melintang
- The Effect Of ABA English Applications On Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At Eighth Grade Of MTs Al Khoir Mananti Padang Lawas
- The Effect Of Clustering Technique On Students Writing Skill In Recount Text At The Tenth Grade Of SMA Negeri 1 Rantau Utara
- The Effect of Collaborative Writing Technique on the Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Text at SMP Muhammadiyah 56 Binjai in Academic Year 2020/2021
- The Effect Of Diary Note On The Students’ Writing Of Recount Text Ability At SMP Hang Tuah 1 Belawan
- The Effect Of Dictogloss Strategy On the Students’ Writing Ability At MTsN 1 Medan
- The Effect of Direct Method On The Student’s In Learning Vocabulary At SMAS Islam Nur Ihsan Tembung
- The Effect of Duolingo Application on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at MTs Darul Ilmi Batang Kuis
- The Effect Of English Grammar Test Application On Students’ Grammar Mastery Of Simple Past Tense At The Eighth Grade Of Junior High School
- The Effect Of English Vocabulary Application On The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At The Eighth Grade Of MTs Hifzhil Qur’an Medan
- The Effect Of Gallery Walk Strategy On The Student’s Ability In Writing Descriptive Paragraph At SMA Negeri 2 Birem Bayeun Aceh Timur
- The Effect of Guided Question Technique On Students Writing Skill Of Descriptive Text At Eight Grade Student SMP Satrya Budi Karang Rejo
- The Effect Of Hangman Game Towards Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At The Seventh Grade Students Of MTs Hifzil Qur’an Medan
- The Effect of Metacognitive Strategy On Students Grammar Mastery at Madrasah Alwashliyah YPP Ridho Allah Kampung Perlabian
- The Effect of Peer Feedback on Students' Achievement in Writing Narative Text at MAS PONPES At-Taufiqurrahman
- The Effect Of Personal Experience Strategy On Students’ Achievement In Writing Narrative Text
- The Effect of Pictionary Game on the Students’ Writing Ability at the Tenth Grade of MAS Al-Hasyimiyah Tebing Tinggi
- The effect of predicting strategy with webtoon on students reading comprehension at Mts S Al Washliyah Tanjung Tiga in Academic year 2019/2020
- The Effect Of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy Towards The Students’ Reading Comprehension At SMA Negeri 1 Lhokseumawe
- The Effect Of Simon Says Game Towards Students’ Listening Comprehension At The Tenth Grade Of Senior High School Students
- The Effect of Story Pyramid Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension of Recount Text at The Tenth Grade Students of Senior High School
- The Effect Of The Quizlet Application On The Vocabulary Mastery Of Students In Class VII MTs Al-Washliyah Bah Gunung
- The Effect of Tongue Twister Game in Pronunciation Skill of Students at Eight Grade of Mts Swasta PAB 1 Helvetia
- The Effect Of Trading Place Strategy In Reading Comprehension At Eight Grade Students At MTs Madinatussalam Sei Rotan
- The effect of using dialogue conversation video in teaching listening comprehension at eight grade students of SMPN 2 Percut Sei Tuan
- The Effect Of Using Guessing And Speculating Game With Pictures On Students Achievement In Speaking
- The Effect Of Using Movie Poster On Students’ Writing Achievement In Descriptive Paragraph At Grade Eight Of SMP AlWashliyah 1 Medan
- The Effect Of Using Poster On The Student Achievement In Writing Descriptive Text
- The Effect of Using PQ4R Method on Students’ Ability in Reading Comprehension at Eight Grade Studets of SMP N 3 Satu Atap Pangkalan Susu
- The Effect of Using Socratic Method on the Students’Achievement in Speaking at the Junior High School MTSN 1 Bandar Masilam
- The Effect Of Using STIFIn Method In Teaching Speaking English Conversation At The Tenth Grade Of SMK Bina Satria Medan
- The Effect Of Using Toontastic 3D On Students’ Speaking Skills At Eighth Grade Of Mts. Hifzhil Qur'an Medan In 2020/2021 Academic Year
- The Effect of Using Word Mapping Strategy to the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at SMPN 15 IT Binjai
- The Effect Of Word Find Puzzle On Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At Sma Baitul Aziz Percut Sei Tuan
- The Effect of Words Walls Strategy to students’ Vocabulary Mastery At SMP-IT Suara Da’I Muda Langkat
- The Effectiveness Of Mnemonic Strategy On The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At The Eight Grade Of MTs Nurul Hakim
- The Effectiveness Of Using Blog In Teaching Writing Recount Text At Tenth Grade Af MAS Amaliyah Sunggal
- The Implementation Of Gallery Learning Method In Teaching Writing Narrative Text
- The Implementation Of Know-Want-Learned Strategy To Improve The Students’ Reading Comprehension In Narrative Text At MTsS Insan Cita Medan
- The Implementation Of Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy To Improve Students’ Writing Skill In Descriptive Text At VIII Grade Students Of MTs Negeri 4 Langkat Year 2019/2020
- The Implementation of Think Talk Write Method To Improve The Students’ Writing Of Narrative Text
- The Implementation Of Who Am I Game To Improve Students’ Grammar Skill Of Simple Present Tense At The Eighth Grade Of MTs Ex PGA Proyek UNIVA Medan In 2020/2021 Academic Year
- The Influence Of Using Dice Game Technique Towards Students‟ Descriptive Text Writing Ability At Seventh Grade Mts Islamiyah Subulussalam Sumberjo
- The Influence Of Using Word Wall towards Students' Vocabulary Mastery At UPTD SMP N 2 Tanjung Tiram Academic Year 2020/2021
- The Process of Using Instagram in Learning Writing Descriptive Text at first grade SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Balai
- The Process Of Using Online Dictionary By The Student In Learning English Vocabulary At Eleventh Grade Student Of SMK Swasta Prama Artha Jaya Kab Simalungun
- The Students’ Ability In Identifying Independent And Dependent Clause In Sentence At Tenth Grade Of Pondok Pesantren Darul Arqom Pemantang Bandar
- The Students’ Errors in Writing Expository Text at the Eleventh Grade of MAS Darul Falah, Langga Payung
- The Use Of Advertisement Billboard As a Media To Improv The Students Translation Ability at SMK Tritech Imformatika Medan
- The Use Of Encantado Game To Develop Students Speaking Skills At Seventh Grade Students Of Mts Swasta Insan Cita
- The Use Of Learning Log Strategy On Writing Argumentative Text For Grade X Student Of SMA N 2 LAWE BULAN
- Thematic Structures in The Text of Engllish State Examination (UN) in Junior High School
- Utilizing Bio Poem To Improve The Students’ Ability To Write Descriptive Text At Eight Grade At MTs Darul Ilmi Batang Kuis
- Utilizing Peer Feedback to Improve the Students’ Ability to Write Narrative Text at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Cerdas Murni Tembung
- Utilizing Pictures Series To Improve the Students Prificiency Writing Skill Of Recount Text At The Tenth Grade Of Writing Of Recount Text At The Tenth Grades Of Senior High School In Academic Year Of 2019/2020
- Utilizing Rosetta Stone Application To Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At The Tenth Grade of Swasta Tunas Bangsa Senior High School
- Utilizing Wattpad Application To Improve the Students’ Skill In Writing Narrative Text At The Eighth Grade Of SMP Yayasan Perguruan Keluarga Pematangsiantar 2020/2021 Academic Year
Tahun 2019
- An Analysis of Difficulties in Comprehending English Reading Text at the Eleventh Grade Students of MA LAB UIN-SU Medan
- An Analysis Of Student’s Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text Based on Original Bloom’s Taxonomy at Tenth Grade of Senior High School at Man 1 Mandailing Natal
- An Error Analysis in Translating Indonesian into English at the Eleventh Grade Students at MAN 1 Medan
- An Error Analysis in Writing Skripsi Abstract of English Education Department Students at Islamic University of North Sumatera
- An Error analysis of using present tense by the tenth grade students of senior high school in writing descriptitive text at MAN 2 Model Medan
- Designing Teaching Learning Activities For Writing Report Text Based On Students Problem At Eleventh Grade MAN Batubara
- Errors Analysis in Students’ Writing of Procedure Text in Eighth Grade Students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium UIN SU Medan. A Skripsi. Faculty Tarbiyah and Teacher Training The State Islamic University of North Sumatera Medan
- Implementation of Small Group Discussion To Improve The Students’ Writing Narrative Text At Class X of Sma Negeri 2 Padangsidimpuan
- Improving Listening Comprehension in English Learning at SmaN 6 Padangsidempuan
- Improving Reading Comprehension Through DRTA Method At SMA Negeri 1 Talawi at Year Academic 2018/2019
- Improving Student’s Ability in Writing Descriptive text using Personal Photograph at the Second Grade of SMP IT AL-HIJRAH Deli Serdang in Academic Year 2019/2020
- Improving Students' Achievement in Reading Comprehension Through Self-Questioning Strategy At Yayasan Perguruan BUDISATRYA Medan Tembung
- Improving Students' Speaking Skill Through Debate Technique (An Action Reserach At Grade X Of MAS Amaliyah Sunggal)
- Improving students vocabolary achievement by Using frayer model at the seventh grade student of SMPN 1 Kualuj Hilir
- Improving students' vocabulary mastery by using role play at SMP Muhammadiyah 12 Binjai The Academic year 2019/2020
- Improving student's vocabulary mastery through duolingo game at ninth grade of MTs Al-Ittihadiyah Laut Dendang
- Improving Students’ Ability at Writing Descriptive Text by Using Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) for the Seventh Grade Students of MTs Negeri 3 Medan
- Improving Students’ Ability in Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text Through 321 Strategy at the Tenth Grade of Senior High School, MAS PAB 2 Helvetia
- Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension In Descriptive Text Through Reciprocal Teaching Technique At Tenth Grade Of SMA Cerdas Murni Tembung
- Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension in Descriptive Text Through THIEVES Strategy at VII grade Students MTs Negeri 2 Labuhanbatu Utara
- Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Through Think Aloud Technique At The Eleventh Grade Students Of MAS Al Washliyah 22 Tembung Academic Year 2019/2020
- Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Mind Mapping Technique at the Second Grade of Senior High School
- Improving Students’ Speaking Ability by Using Information Gap Method at Cerdas Murni Senior High School Tembung
- Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Through Video Clips At SMP Karya Bunda In The Academic Year 2018/2019
- Improving Students’ Speaking Skill By Using Broshures and Pamphlets As Media At Junior High School SMP Negeri 2 Percut Sei Tuan
- Improving Students’ Vocabulary Achievement By Using Scrabble Game at Tenth Grade Students of Madrasah Aliyah Tahfizhil Quran Yayasan Islamic Center Sumatera Utara
- Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Riddle Game Of The Eighth Grade Students At SMP IT Nurul Ilmi, Medan Area, Medan
- Improving The Student’ Vocabulary Mastery By Using English Song At Eight Grade Of Mts Zending Medan
- Improving The Student’s Vocabulary Mastery By Using Scrabble Games At SMP Negeri 2 Batang Kuis In The Academic Year 2018/2019
- Improving The Students Ability In Writing Descriptive Text Through Gallery Walk Strategy At SMA Negeri 1 Rundeng Kota Subulussalam Aceh
- Improving the student's ability in writing procedure text through tutorial video at eight grade of SMP Islam terpadu Almanar Hamparan Perak in Academic year 2018/2019
- Improving the students achievement in listening by Using video at grade xi of MAS Bani Hasyim Bahorok
- Improving the students' achievement in writing narrative text by applying spore (Setting, problem, order of action, resolution, end) strategi XI grade of MAS Al Wasliyah 22 Tembung
- Improving the students' competence in conditional sentences by using substitution drills (a classroom action research at MAS Madinatussalam in academic year 2019/2020)
- Improving The Students' Pronounciation Through Homophone Games At VII Grade Of MTs Negeri 1 Deli Serdang
- Improving the student's pronunciation through drilling technique at seventh grade at MTS AL-Hikmah Darussalam Bagan Batu In academic year 2018/2019
- Improving The Students Writing Narrative Text Through Problem Based Learning At Ten Grade SMK 2 Satrya Budi Perdagangan
- Improving the students’ ability in using the simple past tense through climbing grammar mountain game of grade eight at SMPN 1 Percut Sei Tuan
- Improving The Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text Through Five Senses Technique at Eighth Grade of MTs Cerdas Murni Tembung
- Improving The Students’ Ability In Writing Recount Text By Using Mr. Bean Video At Second Grade Of MTs PAB 2 Sampali
- Improving The Students’ Ability In Writing Skills Through Textless Comic Strip At The Ten Grade Of Sma Cerdas Murni In Academic Year 2018/2019
- Improving The Students’ Achievement In Writing Descriptive Text Through Place Mat Technique At Mts Al- Washliyah Senayan Kec. Sei Rampah
- Improving The Students’ Achievement in Writing News Item Text By Using Video at Madrasah Aliyah Al-Manaar Asahan
- Improving The Students’ Listening Ability Through Fairy Tale At MTS Islamiyah Medan
- Improving The Students’ Listening Skills Of Eleventh Grade Students Of Madrayah Aliyah Tahfizhil Quran Yayasan Islamic Centre Sumatera Utara Through Computer Assisted Language Learning (Call) Method
- Improving The Students’ Skills In Writing Descriptive Text Through Picture At Eight Grade Of MTs Hifzhil Qur’an Medan In Academic Year 2018/2019
- Improving The Students’ Skills in Writing Descriptive Text Through RAFT Strategy at MTs Islamiyah Medan
- Improving The Students’ Skills In Writing Narrative Text Through Manga Strips At Eighth Grade Of SMP Amal Luhur Medan
- Improving the Students’ Speaking Skill Through Group Investigation Technique Of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 1 Hinai in 2019/ 2020 Academic Year 2019/2020
- Improving the Students’ Speaking Skills Through Inside-Outside Circle Strategy at the Second Grade of Cerdas Murni Junior High School Tembung
- Improving The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Keyword Method At Eighth Grade Students Of SMP Negeri 1 Kutacane
- Improving The Students’ Writing Skill Of Descriptive Text By Using Presentation, Practice, Production Method At MTsN 2 Deli Serdang
- Improving the Students’ Writing Skill through Personal Journal Technique at VIII Grade Students of MTs Al-Ittihadiyah Laut Dendang
- Improving the Students’ Writing Skills of Narrative Text Through Textless Comic at SMK Tritech Informatika Medan
- Increasing Student’s Vocabulary Mastery Through Star Wrest Game at Boarding Darul Hikmah Modern on Aacademic Year 2018/2019
- Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Through Semantic Mapping Strategy at Eleven Years of SMKN 1 Muara Batu Aceh Utara
- Increasing the Students’ Listening by Using Story Completion Technique
- Increasing The Students’ Speaking Skills Through Board Game For The Eight Grade Of MTS State Islamic University Of North Sumatera Medan
- Students’ Errors In Writing Recount Text
- The Application of Picture Media in Vocabulary Learning in First Grade at MAN 2 Model Medan
- The Comparison Of Applying Flipped Classroom Method And Inquiry Class Learning Method In Writing Descriptive Text For Students In The First Grade Of Senior High School
- The Comparison Of Picture And Electronics Media In Teaching Vocabulary At MTs Islam Azizi Perjuangan
- The Contribution Of English Dictionary Application On Students’ Vocabulary Achievement At MAS YP. Raudhatul Akmal Batang Kuis
- The Correlation Between Students’ Proficiency In English Vocabulary And Their Ability To Write English Poetry
- The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Writing Ability of the Eleventh Grade Students of MA Laboratorium UIN SU
- The Effect of Anticipation-Reaction Guide (ARG) Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Eight Grade Students of Junior High School in the Academic Year of 2019/2020
- The Effect of Applying Neurological Impress Method on The Students' Reading Comprehension of MA LAB UIN-SU Medan
- The Effect of Catalisting Strategy On Students‟ Writing Skill At Madrasah Aliyah Laboratorium UINSU Medan
- The Effect of Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) strategy on students reading comprehension for 11th grade students of SMA Cerdas Murni Deli Serdang
- The Effect of Estafet Writing on Students’ Writing Descriptive Text for Junior High School of Grade Seven SMP 6 Panyabungan in Academic Year 2018/2019
- The Effect of Fishbone Strategy on Students’ Ability in Writing Analytical Exposition Text at Mas Jamiyatul Al-Wasliyah Tembung
- The effect of guided writing strategy on students’ achievement in writing narrative text at Madrasah Aliyah Laboratorium UIN-SU
- The Effect Of Hello English Application On The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At The Eighth Grade Of Junior High School (A Quasi-Experimental Study At The Eighth Grade Students Of SMPN 1 STM Hulu In Academic Year 2019/2020)
- The Effect Of Learning Motivation on the Students’ English Learning Achievement at MTs Hifzhil Qur’an Islamic Centre Foundation Medan
- The Effect Of Lecture Bingo Game On The Students' Ability Using Adjective Clause
- The Effect of OK4R (Overview, Key ideas, Read, Recite, Review, Reflect) method on students' reading comprehension
- The Effect of partner technique on the students' achievement in writing descriptive text at SMP Negeri 1 Sibolangit
- The Effect of Peer Assisted Learning Strategy on the Students’ Reading Comprehension at MTs Islamiyah Medan
- The Effect Of Read, Imagine, Describe, Evaluate, And Repeat (Rider) Strategy On Students’ Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text In The First Year Students’ At Senior High School
- The effect of reward and punishment in learning english of madrasah aliyah laboratorium uin su medan
- The Effect of reward and punishment in student speaking skill at X Grade student MA Islamic Boarding school of Darul Quran Medan Tembung
- The effect of short stories on the students reading comprehension at madrasah Tsanawiyah Islamiyah Medan
- The Effect of Using Preview, Question, Read,Summarize, Test(PQRST) Method on Students Reading Comprehension in Senior High School AN NIZAM MEDAN
- The Effect of using Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement in Narrative Text at VIII Grade of MTs Hifzil Qur’an Medan
- The Effect Of Using Sketch And Label Organizer Strategy In Writing Descriptive Text At Madrasah Aliyah Al-Wasyiliah 22 Medan Tembung 2018/2019 Academic Year
- The Effect of Using SWELL Method on The Students’ Achievement in Writing Procedure Text at Eight Grade of MTs Babul Ulum Medan Labuhan in The Academic Year 2018/2019
- The Effect of Using Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT) Technique on Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement at Grade Eight Students of SMP Al-Washliyah 1 Medan
- The Effect Of Using Very Important Point(VIP) Strategy on The Students Achievement in Reading Comprehension At Seventh Grade in MTs Madinatussalam in Academic Year 2018/2019
- The Effect Of Using Webbing Strategy On The Students’ Achievment In Reading Comprehension At SMA N 1 Tanjung Balai Asahan Year 2018/2019
- The Impelementation of annotating text strategy in teaching reading comprehension at tenth grade students of SMK Broadcasting Bina Creative (BBC) Medan In 2018/2019 Academic Year
- The Implementation Of Blindfold Game In Teaching Vocabularies To Improve Students’ Achievement At Eighth Grade MTs Guppi Pangkatan
- The Implementation Of Comic Book As Media To Increase Students’ Reading Ability At Narrative Text At The Eighth Grade Of SMP Negeri 1 Sei Bingai
- The Implementation of Field Trip Technique to Increase The Students' Vocabulary at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 3 Tapung in 2018/2019 Academic Year
- The Implementation of Genre-Based Approach to Improve Students’ Writing Skill on Narrative Text at Second Grade of Senior High School
- The Implementation of index card match strategy in improving students ability in comprehending active-passive voice at MAS PAB-1 Helvetia
- The Implementation of Know-Want-Learned Strategy to Improve Student’s Reading Comprehension of the Grade Eight Student’s of MTSS Zending Medan in Academic Year 2018/2019
- The Implementation of Listening Teams Strategy to Improve the Students’ Speaking Skills at MAS Al-Washliyah Tembung
- The Implementation of RCRR (Read,Cover,Remember,Retell) Strategy to Improve the Eight Grade Students Ability at Reading Descriptive Text at MTS Al Ittihadiyah Lau Dendang Medan
- The Implementation of Spelling Bee Game to Improve the Students’ Pronunciation at Seventh Grade of MTs Muhammadiyah 29 Stabat
- The Implementation of Task Based Learning to Improve Students’ Ability At Writing Recount Text for The Eight Grade Students of MTs Laboratorium UIN-SU
- The student's learning styles in reading comprehension at ten grade MAS PAB 2 Helvetia
- The Use Of Code Mixing And Code Switching By Students In English Teaching And Learning Process At SMA Negeri 2 Rantau Selatan
- The Use of Code Mixing by English Teachers at Mts Negeri 2 Deli Serdang.Thesis.Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training. State Islamic University of North Sumatera Medan 2019
- The Use Of Comic Strips To Improve The Students’ Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text (An Action Research At The Seventh Grade Students Of MTsN 3 Medan In Academic Year 2019/2020)
- The Use Of Diary To Improve Students’ Ability At Writing Recount Text At MTs Madani Islamiyah School Pematangsiantar
- The Use of English short story to enrich students vocabulary mastery at the eight grade of MTS Swasta Islamiyah YPI Batang Kuis in 2017/2018 academic year
- The use of swell (social-interactive writing for english language learners) method in teaching writing narrative text at tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Panyabungan Selatan in Academic Year 2018/2019
- Using Facebook Closed Group To Improve The Students’ Writing Skill In Recount Text At Tenth Grade Student Of SMK Istiqlal Deli Tua (A Classroom Action Research At SMKS Istiqlal Deli Tua)
- Using Think-Pair-Share (TPS) Technique in Improving Students’ Reading Skill at Seventh Grade Of Junior High School at SMPN 6 Panyabungan in Academic Year 2019/2020
Tahun 2018
- “ The Implementation of LRD (Listen Read Discuss) Strategy on the Students’ Ability in Mastering Reading Comprehension at MAS YP Raudhatul Akmal Batang Kuis “
- An Analysis of Code Mixing Used By English Teachers in Teaching Learning Process at MAS PAB 2 Helvetia
- An Analysis Of Code Switching Between English And Indonesia Language In Teaching Process Of Speech On The English Department Students At The State Islamic University North Sumatera
- An Analysis Of Past Tense Errors In Students' Writing Narrative Texis Of Eleventh Grade Students At MAS PAB 2 Academic Year
- An Analysis of Students’ Pronoun Errors in Writing Descriptive Text at Eighth Grade of SMP N 1 Medang Deras
- An Error Analysis of Students’ Language Use in Writing Hortatory Exposition Text at MAS Muallimin Medan
- Improving Student’s Ability In Speaking Skill By Using Ice Breaker Strategy At The Second Grade Of MTs TPI Sawit Seberang In Academic Year 2017/2018
- Improving Student’s Speaking Skill Through Pop Up Card Media at the Ten Grade of Madrasah Mu’allimin UNIVA
- Improving students' achievement in writing descriptive text throught the process genre model at MTs AL- Washliyah Tembung
- Improving Students' English Vocabulary Through Duolingo Aplication At Eighth Grade Of Mts Guppi Pangkatan
- Improving students’ ability in reading through spoof texts for Senior High School Of Grade XI at MAN 2 Tanjung Pura
- Improving Students’ Ability In Speaking Skill In Report Text Through Herringbone Technique At Ninth Grade Of SMPN 4 Percut Sei Tuan Academic Year 2017/2018
- Improving Students’ Ability In Writing Descriptive Paragraph Through Team Pair Solo Strategy At Eight Grade At MTs Habibullah, Labuhan Batu
- Improving students’ ability in writing descriptive text by using information search strategy at eighth grade students’ of mts jam’iyatul al – washliyah tembung
- Improving students’ ability in writing descriptive text by using outline technique at the first grade of MAS TPI Sawit Seberang in academic year 2018/2019
- Improving Students’ Ability In Writing Descriptive Text Through Wholesome Scattering Game T At The Tenth Grade Students Of Man Binjai In The Academic Year 2018/2019
- Improving students’ ability in writing of announcement through gallery walk technique of eight grade at Mts Jam’iyatul Alwashliyah Tembung in academic year 2016/2017
- Improving Students’ Achievement In Reading Comprehension Through Self-Questioning Strategy At Grade Eleventh Students Of MA Zakiyun Najah Sei Rampah
- Improving students’ achievement in writing narrative text through field trip method in ten grade class of man 4 Medan
- Improving Students’ Listening Skills Through Podcasts of Eleventh Grade at SMK Tritech Informatika Medan in the Academic Year 2018/2019
- Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Neurological Impress Method Of Second Grade Of Senior High School At Islamic Boarding School Arraudhatul Hasanah Medan In The Academic Year Of 2017/2018
- Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Party Jokes At The Tenth Grade Of Man 2 Model Medan In 2017/2018 Academic Year
- Improving Students’ Speaking Skills Through Cooperative Learning With Time Token Arends Type At The First Grade Of MAS Amaliyah Sunggal In Academic Year 2017-2018
- Improving Students’ Vocabularies Through Google Translate On The Second Semester Of Siyasah A, State Islamic University Of North Sumatera (Uinsu) In Academic Year Of 2017/2018
- Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Kim (Keyword, Information And Memory Clue) Strategy At The Seventh Grade Of MTs Al-Washliyah Sukarame In Academic Year 2017/2018
- Improving the Students' Reading Comprehension by Using Authentic Materials at 8th Grade MTs Swasta Nurul Islam Indonesia
- Improving The Students` Ability In Writing Narrative Text Through Cartoon Video At The Eight Grade Of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri In Lubuk Pakam
- Improving The Students’ Ability In Mastering Vocabulary By Using Feely Bag Game At Grade Vii Private Islamic Junior High School Pesantren Dairi
- Improving The Students’ Ability In Translation By Using Newmark Strategies At Eleventh Grade Of Mas Tahfizhil Qur’an Medan
- Improving the Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text Using Buzz Group Method at the Eight Grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Hifzil Qur’an Medan in 2017/2018 Academic Year
- Improving The Students’ Ability In Writing Narrative Text By Using Marathon Technique
- Improving the students’ ability in writing through pyramid strategy at mas al-ittihad aek nabara
- Improving The Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text by Applying Whisper and Write Game at the First Grade of MAS Teladan Ujung Kubu Batu Bara
- Improving The Students’ Achievement In Writing Recount Text By Using Pentad Strategy At The Eleventh Grade Of Man Binjai In The Academic Year 2018/2019
- Improving The Students’ English Writing Of Descriptive Text Through Task-Based Language Teaching
- Improving the students’ pronunciation trought homophone games at the second grade students of SMA Asuhan Daya Medan
- Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Gist Strategy At Eighth Grade Of Mts. Al-Jam’iyatul Washliyah Tembung
- Improving the Students’ Speaking Skill through Hot Potatoe Game at The Second Grade of Senior High School Students
- Improving The Students’ Speaking Skill Through Video Dubbing At The Eleventh Grade Of Private Islamic Senior High School Amaliyah Sunggal In 2018/2019 Academic Year
- Improving the Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Through Anagram Technique at X Grade Class of MAS Amaliyah Sunggal in Academic Year 2018/2019
- Improving The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through English Newspaper Articles At Eighth Grade Of MTs S Babul Ulum Medan Labuhan
- Strategi Guru Pai Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Sholat Berjama’ah Di Sdn 106162 Medan Estate Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan Kabupaten Deli Serdang
- Students’ Translation Process In Translating Text At The Twelve Grade Of Sma N 1 Air Joman
- The Analysis Of Illocutionary Acts On The Tenth Grade Students In Speaking Skill At MAS PAB-1 Sampali
- The Analysis of Students Difficulties In Translating Argumentative Text From English To Indonesian At The Second Grade Students of MAN Tebing tinggi
- The Application of Inside-Outside Circle (IOC) Technique to Teach Speaking Skill in the Second Grade of Senior High School at Man 3 Medan in the Academic Year 2017/2018
- The Cognitive Process Of Different Gender In Writing Narrative Text At Private Islamic Senior High School Al-Washliyah Tembung 2017/2018 Academic Year
- The Comparison Between Proprioceptive and Mimicry Memorization Methods On The Students' Vocabulary Mastery At Grade XI Of Modern Islamic Nurul Hakim Boarding School
- The Comparison of Students’ Vocabulary Achievement by Joining or not Joining English Club at State Islamic University of North Sumatera
- The Correlation Between Students' Vocabulary Mastery And The Students` Ability In Reading Comprehension At Tenth Grade Of SMA Cerdas Murni Deli Serdang In Academic Year 2017/2018
- The correlation between students’ habit in watching english movie and their vocabulary mastery at mts Islamiyah YPI Batang Kuis in 2016/2017 academic year
- The Correlation Between Students’ Mastering Of Idiomatic Expression And Their Achievement In Reading Comprehension At MA LAB UIN-SU Medan
- The Correlation Between Students‟ Vocabularies And The Students‟ Reading Ability At Ninth Grade Of Mtss Al-Washliyah Kolam Desa Bandar Khalipah Kecamatan ercut Sei Tuan Kabupaten Deli Serdang Sumatera Utara In 2018/2019 Academic Year
- The Difference Of Grammatical Errors In Writing Recount Text By Natural Sience Students And Social Science Students At Eleventh Grade Of Madrasah Aliyah Tahfizhil Qur’an Medan In Academic Year 2017/2018
- The differences between the students’ ability in building up recount text by using animated movies and picture book at Madrasah Aliyah Tahfizhilqur’an Medan
- The Difficulties Of Students In Translating English Sentences To Indonesian At Eleventh Grade Of SMK N Binaan Provsu Medan
- The Effect Description, Interpretation, And Evaluation “ Die “ Technique On The Junior High School Students Achievement In Writing Descriptive Text At SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Medan In 2017/2018 Academic Year
- The effect of applying dictogloss technique on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text at tenth grade of sma Al Washliyah 3 Medanin academic year 2017/2018
- The Effect of Applying Discovery Learning Method on The Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text At Second Grade of SMK Al-Washliyah 3 Medan
- The Effect Of Chain Drawing Game On The Vocabulary Mastery At The Seventh Grader Of SMP Setia Budi Binjai
- The effect of choral repetition technique towards the students' vocabulary mastery at SMP IT Nurul Fadhilah Bandar Setia
- The effect of color coding strategy in students’ writing procedure text at YP Al Masdar Batang Kuis
- The Effect Of Cooperative Script Strategy On The Students’ Ability In Writing Descriptive Text At Eleventh Grade Of Sma Al-Wasliyah Tanjung Morawa
- The Effect Of Foldables Strategy On Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At SMP Setia Budi Binjai In Academic Year 2017/2018
- The effect of folktale movie on the students' ability in writing narrative text at MAS TPI Sawit Seberang
- The effect of generating interaction between scemata and text (gist) strategy on student's achievement in writing narrative text
- The Effect Of Graphic Organizer On Students’ Achievement In Writing Descriptive Text At The Second Grade Students Of SMP Ar-Rahman Percut In Academic Year 2018/2019
- The effect of language experience approach ( LEA ) on the students’ achievement in reading comprehension at MTs Umar bin Khattab Batang Kuis
- The effect of peer assisted learning strategy (pals) on the students’s in reading comprehension at mts Al-Washliyah 82 Medan
- The effect of peer feedback in improving students' writing achievement of tenth grade at SMA Swasta Muhammadiyah 8 Kisaran in academic year 2017/2018
- The Effect Of Personal Vocabulary Note Technique On The Students’ Vocabulary Masteryat XI Grade Of MAS PAB 2 Helvetia
- The Effect of Probing Prompting Strategy in Teaching Simple Past Tense at MTsN 2 Medan 2017/2018 Academic Year
- The effect of seminar strategy on students’ reading comprehension in descriptive text at mas Al-Wasliyah 22 Tembung
- The Effect Of Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, Intellectually (Savi) Strategy On The Students’ Ability To Build Up The Sentences In Simple Present Tense At MAS PAB 2 Helvetia Medan In Academic Year 2018/2019
- The Effect of Start with Simple Stories Extensive Reading (SSS ER) Method On Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement in Narrative texts at Eight Grade MTs. LABIKIP UMN Al Washliyah Medan
- The Effect of Stirred Words and Sentences Game on the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at MAS PAB 2 Helvetia in 2017/2018 Academic Year
- The effect of swell (social-interactive writing for english language learners) method on students’ achievement in writing narrative paragraph at mas yp Raudhatul akmal batang kuis
- The Effect Of Talular (Teaching And Learning Using Locally Available Resources) Strategy On The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At SMP IT Nur Ihsan Medan In Academic Year 2017/2018
- The Effect Of Tapestry Approach On Students’ Achievement In Descriptive Writing At Eighth Grade Of Smp Swasta Mulia Kota Rantang Medan In 2017/2018 Academic Year
- The Effect Of Thieves (Title, Heading, Introduction, Every First Sentence, Visual, End Of The Text) Strategy On The Students' Abillity To Comprehend Reading Text At YP Al Masdar Batang Kuis
- The effect of TV commercial strategy on the students' achievement in speaking
- The effect of using bamboo dancing method on students’ speaking ability at the tenth grade of man 4 medan in 2017/2018 academic year
- The effect of using collaborative strategy reading (CSR) on students hortatory exposition text reading comprehension of SMK AL-Hidayah Medan in academic year 2018/2019
- The Effect Of Using English Magazineon Students’ Achievement In Writing Analytical Exposition Textat Second Grade Students Of Sma Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu Medan
- The Effect Of Using Frayer Model On The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At Smp It Al Ihya Tanjung Gading
- The Effect Of Using Parts Strategy On The Students’ Achievement In Reading Comprehension At SMP Negeri 4 Tanjung Tiram
- The Effect Of Using Swell (Social Interactive Writing For English Language Learners) Method On Students Achievement In Writing Procedure Text
- The Effect Of Using Word Chain Game On The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At Seventh Grade Of Mts Skb 3 Menteri Bingkat
- The Effect Of Vak (Visualization, Auditory, Kinestethic) Learning Model On Students’ Achievement In Writing Descriptive Paragraph At Tenth Grade Students’ Of Mas Al-Washliyah 30 Binjai
- The Effect of Words Search Strategy on the Students’ Ability in Reading Comprehension at the Second Grade Students of MTs Al-Jam’iyatul Wasliyah Tembung in Academic Year 2017/2018
- The Effect visual, auditory, kinestethic learning model on students, achievment in writing recount text at eight grade of MTs AL-Washliyah Medan KRIO
- The effectiveness of diary writing technique on students writing of recount text at VIII Grade MTS N 4 Medan in Academic Years 2017/2018
- The Effectiveness Of Documentary Video On Students’ Ability In Building Up Report Text At The Eleventh Grade Of SMA Swasta Al-Hidayah In Academic Year 2018/2019
- The Effectiveness of Stirred Word Game on Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery in Junior High School at MTsN 1 Medan
- The Effectiveness Of Using Near-Peer Role Modelling (NPRM) On Students’ Speaking Ability At The First Grade Of SMP Swasta Al Masdar Batang Kuis
- The Effectiveness of Using Simon Says Game towards Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at MTsS Al-Ikhlas Sait Buttu Pamatang Sidamanik
- The Implementation Of Before, During And After Reading (BDA) Strategy To Improve Students’ Achievement In Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text At MTsN 2 Medan
- The Implementation Of Chain Writing Method To Increase Students Ability Writing Narrative Text At Mts. Al-Muttaqin Padang Tualang Langkat
- The Implementation Of Gadget Application In Learning English Vocabulary
- The Implementation of Hidden Picture Game to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at Seventh Grade of MTs Negeri Lubuk Pakam
- The Implementation Of Hot Seat Strategy On The Students’ Ability In Mastering English Vocabulary At Grade Eighth Of SMP Swasta Al-Hidayah Medan Tembung In Academic Year 2018/2019
- The implementation of listening team strategy to improve the student's ability in giving opinion at eleventh grade of SMA Cerdas Murni in 2017/2018 academic year
- The implementation of listening team strategy to improve the students’ ability at giving opinion at eleventh grade students of sma cerdas murni Tembung
- The Implementation Of Neurological Impress Method To Improve The Students' Reading Comprehension On Narrative Text At Eighth Grade Of MTs PAB 2 Sampali Medan
- The Implementation Of Peer Lesson Strategy To Increase Students’ Ability At Mastering Simple Past Tense At Eight Grade Junior High School Of MTs Darul Mukhlisin, Sei Rampah
- The Implementation of Prediction Strategy in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Eighth Grade of MTs. Swasta Miftahul ‘Ulum Suka Mulia Dolok Masihul
- The Implementation of quick on the draw strategy to improve student's ability in writing recount text at MAS Al-Jam'iyatul Washliyah Medan
- The implementation of race to the board game to improve students’ ability in memorizing countable noun vocabulary at eight grade of mts al-washliyah tembung
- The implementation of riddle game media to increase studentsʼ ability in speaking for the eleventh grade students of mas. PP. Raudhatul Hasanah, Paya Bundung, Medan
- The Implementation Of Self Reflection Strategy To Increase Students’ Speaking Skill Of Eleven Grade At Smk Al- Washliyah 3 Medan In Academic Year 2017/2018
- The implementation of stand up sequences game to increase students’ ability in mastering vocabulary at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Air Putih in 2018/2019 academic year
- The Implementation Of Think-Talk-Write (TTW) Method To Increase Students’ Writing Ability In Descriptive Text At The Eightth Grade Students Of Islamic Junior High School Al-Washliyah Sei Sentang Labuhan Batu Utara In The Academic Year 2017/2018
- The Implementation Of Three Steps Interview To Increase The Student‟s Speaking Ability At SMP Al Farabi Medan
- The Implementation Of Trading Place Strategy To Improve The Students’ Ability In Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text At Ninth Grade MTsN Tanah Jawa
- The improving of guessing game “who am i” technique in teaching students’ speaking skill at mts Islamiyah ypi batang kuis in 2016/2017 academic year
- The Influence of Advertisement on Television to Improve the Students’ Ability at Writing Procedure Text at Seventh Grade Students of MTS Mesra Pematangsiantar in Academic Year 2018/2019”
- The Influence of Media Track West Towards Up Grading Vocabulary at the Grade Eight Students of MTS Al-Azzam Sei Rakyat Kec. Panai Kab. Labuhanbatu
- The Influence Of Using Strip Story Technique Towards Students' News Item Text Writing Ability At Madrasah Aliyah Tahfizhil-Qur’an Medan
- The Title : The Implementation of Probing Prompting Strategy to Increase Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text at Seventh Grade of MTS YP RaudhatulAkmalBatangKuis
- The Use Of Active-Knowledge-Sharing Strategy to Improve The Students’ Ability At Writing Narrative Text At The Eight Grade Of MTsPN 4 Medan
- The Use of Class Wide Peer Tutoring Strategy in Teaching Reading Comprehension for the Eight Grade Students of MTs Hifzil Qur’an Islamic Centre Sumatera Utara in Academic Year 2017/2018
- The Use Of Crazy Professor Reading Game To Improve Reading Comprehension For Junior High School Of Seventh Grade In SMP Neg.4 Tanjung Tiram The Academic Year Of 2017/2018
- The Use Of Dictogloss Technique On Students’ Achievement In Writing Spoof Text At Second Grade Of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah 1 Medan
- The Use Of English Podcasts To Improve Students’ Ability In Listening Skill At Eighth Grade Of MTsN Kabanjahe
- The Use Of Holiday Picture As a Media In Writing Recount Text at The Eight Grade Of SMP N 4 Percut Sei Tuan 2017/2018 Academic Year
- The Use Of Kamishibai Media To Improve Students’ Speaking Ability In Storytelling At The Eleventh Grade Of Ma Zakiyun Nazah Sei Rampah
- The Use Of Mime Game To Improve Student’s Speaking Ability At Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah 1 Medan
- The Use of Mouse and Cat Games to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery of First Grade Students of MTSN Peanornor
- The Use Of Multimedia Power Point To Improve Students’ Speaking Skills At The Eleventh Grade Of Sma N.1 Air Joman
- The Use Of Mystery Theatre Game To Improve Students’ Speaking Skill
- The Use of Running Dictation Technique to Improve Students’ Writing in Descriptive at MTs Amin Darussalam
- The Use of scafolding talk technique to improve students speaking skill (at MTs Swasta Al-Washliyah 05 Belawan in Academic Year of 2018/2019)
Tahun 2017
- A comparative between quick write and indirect feedback strategies on the students’ ability in writing descriptive text at MAS Ponpes At-Taufiqurrahman Labuhan Batu Utara
- A comparative study between problem based learning and direct instruction in teaching english grammar at private islamic junior high school Perguruan Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu Medan
- A Comparative Study Between Quantum And Conventional Learning Method On English Articles Mastery Of Eighth Graders At Smp Swasta Al Washliyah 1 Medan
- An analysis on the students’ ability in writing narrative text at grade ix mts Ali Imron Medan
- Efektifitas Lagu untuk Meningkatkan Pembelajaran Kosakata Bahasa Arab MTs Islamiyah Kelas VIII di Jalan Suluh Medan
- Improving grade viii students’ vocabulary mastery through the concept attainment modelat mts. al – washliyah tembung in 2016/2017 academic year
- Improving Reading Comprehension Through Directed Reading Thinking Activity (Drta) Strategy For The Eight Grade Students Of Smp Negeri 17 Medan In The Academic Year Of 2016-2017
- Improving student’s ability at writing descriptive text by using the learning cell strategy at the first year of MTS Yayasan Islamiyah Medan in 2016/2017 academic year
- Improving students' ability in speaking English by using talking chips strategy at the second grade students of MAS Manba'ul Hidayah Kisaran in 2016/2017 academic year
- Improving students' ability to build simple past tense in narrative text by using make a match strategy at MTs Islamic Nusantara
- Improving students achievement in writing hortatory exposition texts through dictogloss technique at the eleventh grade of mas al-washliyah pasar v pinang baris
- Improving students` ability in writing through collaborative writing strategy at the Islamic Junior High School Muhammadiyah 01 Medan
- Improving students’ ability at writing narrative text by using outline technique at the first grade of Mal Uin Su Medan in academic year 2016/2017
- Improving students’ ability in memorizing vocabulary through implementation of crossword puzzle strategy at grade xi ipa 1 of sma negri 1 natal in academic year 2016/2017
- Improving students’ ability in reading comprehension by using preview, question, read, state and test strategy
- Improving Students’ Ability in Speaking Skill Through Answering Oral Test Strategy In Ten Grade At MAS Mualimin Univa Medan
- Improving students’ ability in writing sentence in present future tense through mix-freeze group strategy at first grade of madrasah aliyah pondok pesantren darussalam parmeraan padang lawas utara
- Improving students’ achievement at writing recount text by using guiding question technique at eigth grade of smp al-washliyah 1 ismailiyah medan in 2016/2017 academic year
- Improving students’ achievement in writing narrative text through chain story technique at second grade of Mts Al- Washliyah Tembung
- Improving students’ achievement in writing recount text by using transitions-actions-details (tad) strategy at MTSN NEGERI BESITANG
- Improving students’ achievement in writing recount text through jumbled sentences technique for eighth grade students of MTS Muhammadiyah 01 Medan
- Improving students’ achivement in reading comprehension by using k-w-l (know-want-leraned) strategy in smp muhammadiyah 2 medan in the academic year of 2016-2017
- Improving students’ speaking skill in english lesson with action learning strategy at eight grade of mts pab 1 helvetia
- Improving students’ vocabulary achievement by applying anagram plus flashcard in the first grade of mts persatuan amal bakti (pab) 1 helvetia
- Improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using fly swatter game in the first grade of MTS Persatuan Amal Bakti (Pab) 1 Helvetia
- Improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using text twist game at private islamic junior high school Al – Hijrah 2 Lau Dendang 2016 / 2017 academic year
- Improving students’ vocabulary mastery through sketch and label organizer at smp muhammadiyah 02 Medan
- Improving the student’s achievement in reading narrative text by using knowladge learned strategy at grade eight MTSn 3 Medan academic year of 2017/2018
- Improving The Student’s Speaking Ability By Applying Guided Conversation Strategy At The Eleventh Year Students Of Sma Muhammadiyah-2 Tanjung Sari Medan In 2016/2017 Academic Year
- Improving the students' ability in learning past continuous tense by using roundtable strategy at private junior high school Muhammadiyah 47 Sunggal in academic year 2016/2017)
- Improving the students' ability in reading comprehension of narative text through question answer relationship at the tenth grade of man binjai
- Improving the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary through brainstorming game in eight grade at smp it Al Hijrah Laut Dendang in the academic year 2016/2017
- Improving the students’ ability in writing descriptive paragraph by using task -based learning (TBL) approach at the tenth grade of MAS PAB 1 Sampali Medan in the academic year 2016/2017
- Improving the students’ achievement at writing descriptive text by using guided writing at mas pab 2 helvetia Medan
- Improving the students’ achievement in reading narrative text by using know-want-learned strategy at grade eight, MTSN 3 MEDAN ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2017/2018
- Improving the students’ achievement in vocabulary through acronym in mnemonic technique at the first grade senior high school at Al-Jam’iyatul Washliyah
- Improving the students’ reading comprehension by using concept oriented reading instruction (cori) strategy at ten grade senior high school at Ma Hifzhil Quran Islamic Centre
- Improving the students’ reading comprehension in narrative text by using concept oriented reading instruction at grade VIII Private Islamic Junior High School Ali Imron Medan
- Improving the students’ vocabulary mastery through the implementation of riddle game at the Second grade students at SPM Islamic Azizi Medan
- Improving the students’ vocabulary mastery through word square method at seven grade of State Islamic Junior High School Sibuhuan
- Improving The Tenth Grade Students’ Ability At Reading Comprehension By Using Buzz Group Technique At MA Tahfizhil Qur’an Yayasan Islamic Centre Medan
- Increasing the students’ ability in past continuous tense through mistake buster technique at MTS. HIFZHIL QUR’AN ISLAMIC CENTRE
- Increasing the students’ reading comprehension through choral reading strategy at seventh grader of private islamic junior high school jami’ al kautsar tapung hilir
- The application of direct activities related to texts (darts) technique in improving students’ achievement in report text writing at eleventh grade of mas pab 1 Sampali
- The application of observe and remember games in improving students’ achievement in vocabulary at the seventh grade of MTS Islamiyah Medan in the academic year 2016/2017
- The application of somatic-audiotory-visualization-Intelecetually (savi) to improve students' skill in writing recount text of eighth grade at MTS Hifzhil Qur'an yayasan Islamic Center
- The effect of anagram technique on the students’ speaking ability at mts gaya baru negeri lama Labuhan Batu
- The effect of applying berlitz method on students’ conjunction mastery at islamic boarding school darul hikmah tpi Medan
- The effect of applying berlitz method on students’conjunction mastery at Islamic Boarding School Darul Hikmah TPI Medan
- The Effect Of Applying Clustering Technique On Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At Mts Islamiyah Ypi Batang Kuisin 2016/2017 Academic Year
- The Effect Of Applying Clustering Tecnique On Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At MTS Islamiyah YPI Batang Kuisin 2016/2017 Academic Year
- The Effect Of Applying Group Mentoring Technique In Writing Narrative Text At Eight Grade In Mts. Al - Jam’iyatul Washliyah Medan In Academic Year 2016 – 2017
- The effect of applying sentence combining technique on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text at mas al-ittihadiyah bromo in 2016/2017 academic year
- The effect of brainstorming technique in writing descriptive text at viii grade of mtsn stabat in 2016/2017 academic year
- The effect of collaborative writing strategy on students’ achievement in writing recount text in mts alwashliyah tembung 2016/2017
- The effect of concept-oriented reading instruction (CORI) on students’ reading comprehension at the eight grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Binjai
- The effect of cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique on the students' ability in readung comprehension at MAN Kutacane Aceh Tenggara in 2015/2016 academic year
- The effect of direct method on the student’s ability in learning vocabulary at mas pab 1 Sampali
- The effect of football verbal strategy on the students’ ability at writing procedure text at SMA Swasta Meranti in 2016/2017 academic year
- The effect of gallery walk strategy on the students’ ability in writing descriptive paragraph at MAS AL ITTIHADIYAH
- The Effect Of Group Work And Individual Method On The Eight Grade Students’ Ability At Comprehending Reading Material At SMP Cerdas MurnI In 2016/2017 Academic Year
- The Effect Of Guessing Technique On Students’ Speaking Ability At The Second Grade Students Of MTsN Bohorok In 2016/2017 Academic Year
- The effect of hand puppet as media to build up the students’ ability in speaking at mts swasta Nurul Amal Kuala
- The effect of image streaming method on students’ ability in writing narrative paragraph at the tenth grade of mas pab 2 helvetia medan In 2016/2017 academic year
- The effect of listing and questioning techniques on the students’ ability in writing narrative text at the second year students of mal uinsu medan
- The Effect of Multiple Intelligences Station to Improve Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text at Second Grade Students of MAN 1 BINJAI 2016/2017
- The effect of peer response technique on student’s achievement in writing descriptive text at second grade of smp Muhammadiyah 02 Medan in 2016/2017 academic years
- The effect of read, ask, paraphrase (RAP) strategy on the students’ comprehension in reading narrative text at the eighth grade of MTS. Al Washliyah Tembung
- The effect of role play on students’ speaking skill at seventh grade of madrasah sanawiyah muhammadiyah 01 medan
- The effect of round robin writing strategy on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text at the tenth grade of MAS Pab 2 Helvetia Medan In 2016/2017 academic year
- The effect of using audio-visual in teaching English on the students' ability in listening comprehension at tenth year MAL UIN-SU Medan
- The Effect Of Using Cartoon Film On Students’ Achievement In Reading Comprehension At Eight Grade Of MTs Nurul Hakim Modren Boarding School Tembung
- The effect of using task based learning( tbl) method on student’s achievement in reading comprehension at madrasah aliyah negeri 1 natal
- The effectiveness of sets (science, environment, technology and society) learning model toward students’ ability in writing news item text at sma swasta nurul islam Indonesia Medan
- The effectiveness of team assisted individualization (tai) technique to improve students’ ability in writing descriptive text at second grade of MTS. S DAARUL MUHSININ, JANJIMANAHAN KAWAT, LABUHANBATU
- The Effectiveness Of Writing Diary Activities In Improving The Students’ Ability In Teaching Recount Text At Eighth Grade Mts Al-Jam’iyatul Wasliyah Medan In Academic Year 2016/2017
- The Implementation Of Audio Record Media On The Students’ Ability In Pronouncing English Wordsat The 8th Grade SMP Al-Fattah Medan
- The implementation of blindfold game media to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at MTS Nurul Huda Tanjung Pura
- The Implementation Of Describing Pictures Strategy In Improving Student’s Speaking Ability At MTs Yayasan Madrasah Islamiyah Medan
- The implementation of dictation technique to increase students’ ability in listening skill at smk-1 alfattah medan
- The implementation of egra technique to improve students’ ability in comprehending recount text at MTSN Hamparan Perak
- The implementation of firing line strategy To increase students’ ability at constructing Conditional sentences of the third year students At mts al-washliyah ismailiyah medan in 2016/2017 academic year
- The Implementation Of Observe And Remember Game To Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At Seventh Grade Of MTs S. Al-Washliyah Tembung
- The implementation of simon say game to improve students’ vocabulary mastery in learning english at mts. laboratorium UIN-SU Medan
- The implementation of simon say game to improvestudents' vocabulary mastery in learningenglish
- The implementation of small group discussion to improve students’ speaking ability at grade viii a of mts bina ulama kisaran
- The implementation of thieves strategy to improve students’ ability in reading comprehension at mts islamiyah hutagodang
- The implementation of treffinger model to improve students' ability in determining the main idea of paragraph at SMA Swasta Galih Agung in academic year 2016/2017
- The implementation of verb search game strategy in improving students’ ability in using simple past tense of eight grade at mts hifzhil qur’an islamic centre Medan 2016/2017 academic year
- The improvement of the students’ ability in reading comprehension through extensive reading at grade XI Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Al-Washliyah 21 firdaus 2016/2017
- The Influence Of Hypnoteaching Method To The Students’ Achievement In Learning Vocabulary At Mts Swasta Pab 2 Sampali
- The influence of summarizing technique tothe students writing ability at 8th grade perguruan islam al-ulum terpadu Medan
- The use of animation pictures to mprove students’ vocabulary of seventh grade at mts tpi sawit Seberang
- The use of clustering technique to improve students achievement in writing recount text at mas. Pab 1 sampali
- The use of cycle learning strategy in teaching argumentative paragraph writing of the eight grades of MTSN 3 academyc year of 2017/2018
- The use of estafet writing method to improve students’ ability in writing narrative text at the 8 grade students of SMP N 17 Medan
- The use of lightening the learning climate strategy to improve the students’ ability in writing recount text on the eight grade at mts cipta simpang dolok Batu Bara
Tahun 2016
- An Analysis Of Students’ Ability In Writing Expository Text At Grade Xi Of MAN Dolok Masihul
- The Effect Of Using Video As Alternative Media On The Students' Ability To Construct Procedure text At First Grade Of MAS Al-Jam'iyatul Washliyah Jl. Isma'iliyah Medan In 2015/2016 Academic Year
- The Effect Of Word Webbing On The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement In Writing Expository Text At MAS Yaspi Labuhan Deli Medan Belawan
Tahun 2015
- The implementation of clustering technique to improve the students’ ability in writing descriptive text at the first year students of SMA Cerdas Murni Tembung in academic year 2014/2015
- The implementation of odd-man-out game in building students’ vocabulary for the second year students at mts darul ulum budi agung medan
- The using of Macromedia Flash to increase the students' ability in mastering degree of comparison at the first year students of SMK Raudlatul Ulum - 2 Aek Nabara in academic year of 2014/2015
Tahun 2011
Tahun 2010